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@1q2#6492 really? Is it really that extreme?
@1q2#6492 Ya i was talking about how terrible it looked like it would be (i saw a bit of the propaganda it was pushing), so i smiled when i saw it doing poorly in theaters.
Surprised no one linked this yet.
Talks about Xinjiang and the Uyghurs ^^
I like those guys. I'm sad to hear that the chinese government is squeezing them. It does sound like they have a plan to deal with it though
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@grant BUSTED! You been watching Tim Pool's vids!
Yep one of my daily watches
same, lol
this is perfect!
Thank goodness i've not played a Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag.
Even AC3 wasn't that great, but I'm glad I stuck around for black flag. stopped after that.
That guy also did a good video on the battlefield V history revision that was good.
Ya saw that from thequartering link.
I also liked AC3, but black flag was much better. I will never play anything new tho if that's the kind of crap they are making now.
I never finished AC3, but my son did, and I watched him.
I've always meant to play Rogue and Black Flag, but I haven't yet.
@wolfman1911 how old are you wolfie
I'm 30 uwu
I don't think my kids could beat it even if they were 20 lol
My son is ten.
What a monster I am for letting him play it, right?
Lol nope. My six year old is just uncoordinated
There are games that I really wish that he was better at, but he doesn't really care much about the story, and just plays games for the game play.
Or at least, he doesn't pay attention to the story, and then incessantly asks me questions about the story he wasn't paying attention to.
I got my daughter to play Left 4 Dead 2 when she was ...
.... six