Message from @SpanishAbbey

Discord ID: 555430974700257297

2019-03-12 17:49:02 UTC  

The storyline he proposes would have made the prequels go from decent to amazing.

2019-03-12 17:49:22 UTC  

and his close in episode III preserves the "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER" reveal in 5.

2019-03-12 19:37:25 UTC  
2019-03-12 20:38:15 UTC  

HAHAHAHAHA JP as kermit the frog 😄

2019-03-12 21:27:24 UTC JP needs to be added to this group

2019-03-13 00:15:27 UTC  

I like some of the stuff Tim talked about, but net neutrality was stupid.

2019-03-13 01:23:19 UTC  

For those who either reside in Minnesota or Wisconsin, or like learning about the states, you might find this enjoyable.

2019-03-13 01:29:35 UTC  

Minnesota rulez!

2019-03-13 01:34:39 UTC  

Fun relevant fact about using MN stone in public structures, the state capitol dome was made with marble from Georgia, which was a big controversy at the time especially since Georgia is a Southern state and this was when the Civil War was still in living memory

2019-03-13 01:47:25 UTC  

Neat. I hail from Wisconsin, but I have never referred or hear someone refer water fountains as a bubbler until the other year when a coworker brought that up when I said water fountain.

2019-03-13 02:00:08 UTC  

I've always heard that people from Wisconsin call water fountains bubblers but I've never actually heard it

2019-03-13 02:55:06 UTC  

I think depends on where you are in Wisconsin

2019-03-13 04:21:18 UTC  

Something major is going on here. Listen to this woman and think about your loved ones that may believe like she does. So sad and terrifying, goes well beyond mere propagandization. starts at 34:20

2019-03-13 04:40:57 UTC  

Its nothing knew (how ever sad the outlook might be).

2019-03-13 06:17:56 UTC  

I like his point about going somewhere other than the west. Should be obvious, but if their populations are skyrocketing it makes her sacrifice moot.

2019-03-13 06:18:09 UTC  

even more moot if she believes in open borders

2019-03-13 06:38:21 UTC  

bet you a grand believes in open borders.

2019-03-13 15:09:01 UTC  
2019-03-13 16:44:45 UTC  

Thank goodness Biden will announce soon and put this circus to rest finally

2019-03-13 16:47:31 UTC  

Would it really put it to rest? Or just be the new attraction under the tent?

2019-03-13 16:53:26 UTC  

Eh, Bidens probably the only one that could win the center that Trump won, so hopefully he just let's the far leftists just murder each other and continue forward

2019-03-13 16:53:39 UTC  

It's basically why he is waiting

2019-03-13 17:17:59 UTC  

@Islamic Space Program I have a friend like that. She refused to invest, or buy a home. She had no desire to have a kid because she KNEW FOR SURE that there would be no future, and as long as we don't have socialized healthcare the system of the US would break down, and the whole world was going to spiral into ecological disaster.

2019-03-13 17:18:19 UTC  

I was like "well then you should really wan't two things: Guns and land" but she didn't like that.

2019-03-13 17:18:47 UTC  

after she got laid off from our company she moved to Vietnam.

2019-03-13 17:20:37 UTC  

The real problem? She was dating an absolute bell-end who had no grasp on how money worked.

2019-03-13 17:21:13 UTC  

so sold his inheritance for a mess of pottage so he could 'work for a non-profit startup'

2019-03-13 17:21:22 UTC  


2019-03-13 18:21:47 UTC  


2019-03-13 18:24:55 UTC  

I know, I have no words for that insanity.

2019-03-13 18:27:06 UTC  

I was also talking with my gf about a woman who turned down a job teaching music at UCLA for 6 figures so she could be "The master of her time."

2019-03-13 18:28:00 UTC  

my response was: That's code for "smoke weed every day."

2019-03-13 18:30:29 UTC  

her friend minted one of my new fav catch phrases: "Master of your own time is the discount version of master of your own destiny."

2019-03-13 18:32:01 UTC  

@SpanishAbbey Biden? Obama's political machine will not be able to help themselves and severe Biden from Reagan Dems. Progressives dont hide anymore, they are compelled to recite the bromides of progressive dogma and do it loud. Once blue collar white voters in the mid west hear Biden's thoughts on the rights of a child to transition their gender, he is done. @Blastil These people are following a religion. This religiosity has infected mainstream Christian denominations in the west too.

2019-03-13 18:32:51 UTC  

Oh for sure. I went to a ben shapiro event with the intent to ask him the question "How can we stop liberals from killing god in our churches in favor of other stupid shit."

2019-03-13 18:32:55 UTC  

but I ran out of time.

2019-03-13 18:34:16 UTC  

but like my gf's church is all about huggy love-y Jesus, and kind of skips over the whole repent Jesus part.

2019-03-13 18:35:08 UTC  

At my church I keep trying to make sure I drop comments like "Hey, if you believe in God, you probably should, you know, do stuff."