Message from @aguyyouknow

Discord ID: 582445806347485216

2019-05-27 03:46:09 UTC  

When Mark gets arrested, he's already got people lining up to bail his ass out. 😂😂😂😂

2019-05-27 03:59:35 UTC  

he's got like over 100Kpounds to pay, that's if he didn't blow it yet

2019-05-27 04:08:11 UTC  

I thought that was over. I heard the government just reached into his bank account and took the money.

2019-05-27 04:13:07 UTC  

they took 800 pounds

2019-05-27 04:31:25 UTC  

@Agent Smith, @grant, you don't quite understand-
We ***WANT*** him to piss off the powers that be. Keep the £1ØØK,we'll pay that fine too. And the next one. And the next one. And the one after ***THAT.***
Then a few *problem children,* the sort of people who sleep with brass knuckles on, who tell Unicorn Riot *"try and dox me, f****ts, find out how fast the cops can get here after I start beating your ass"* are probably gonna riot...
They did in France.

2019-05-27 04:34:40 UTC  

I don't know why you tagged me. I understand why he didn't want to pay the fine. But I'm pretty sure they took it out of his bank account, denying him the option of being arrested.

2019-05-27 04:49:20 UTC  
2019-05-27 04:49:47 UTC  

Left eating itself

2019-05-27 04:50:24 UTC  

Also the guy is right, where was she during the bigger protests now she shows up after the protests when she an out number him. coward

2019-05-27 05:04:26 UTC  
2019-05-27 05:05:03 UTC  

Can't wait for all those fake news verified twitter journos to be suspended or banned. oh wait they lean left so nothing will happen

2019-05-27 05:15:36 UTC  


2019-05-27 05:38:50 UTC  

I know people always say that Tim pretty much never actually changes his mind on anything no matter how outraged he gets, to the point of it being something of a running joke, but if there is ONE thing that he's cleared changed on over the years is his trust in other journalists

2019-05-27 05:41:06 UTC  

I still remember when he would CONSTANTLY excuse shit like this "oh, this job is much harder than you would expect from the outside looking in; these journalists must've just not done enough research or maybe they just got a little lazy. I feel like it's unfair to blame them for getting this wrong" used to be his perspective on pretty much every instance of "journalists lie or intentionally don't bother to look for more information"

2019-05-27 05:41:24 UTC  

now he just goes all in on them and it's fuckin' great

2019-05-27 05:48:55 UTC  

I'm not sure changing your mind about something because you are outraged is a good thing.
But i understand your point :)

2019-05-27 05:50:02 UTC  

oh, yeah, I agree. I didn't really word it well, but that's mostly because I'm tired

2019-05-27 05:50:44 UTC  

guess I didn't really mean outraged, but he's often waffled on stuff and people constantly say "oh, maybe now he'll <change X belief>", but he never really does

2019-05-27 05:51:36 UTC  

He has become a bit more nihilist "We live in hell!"

2019-05-27 05:51:41 UTC  

yeah, definitely

2019-05-27 05:51:51 UTC  

I mean, he constantly says that he thinks that a civil war is inevitable now

2019-05-27 05:51:57 UTC  

He's been black pilled, not really red pilled.

2019-05-27 05:52:02 UTC  

not sure how much of that is him drumming up viewers and how much is real

2019-05-27 05:52:04 UTC  

I like that Tim doesn't change his opinion on some topic, people (even who watch him) want far to much conformity (no matter the side). Tho i do also agree Tim has some points i'd like him to learn more about to understand better.

2019-05-27 05:52:12 UTC  

I agree with you, actually

2019-05-27 05:52:44 UTC  

I like having him as my lefty source of news, and then Styx is my libertarian paganist source.

2019-05-27 05:52:54 UTC  

I just find it funny that there IS something that he changed his mind on (and honestly, of every view that he holds, this is the one that I actually would have hoped he'd change his mind on, because he was way too forgiving of extremely blatantly malicious journalists)

2019-05-27 05:53:54 UTC  


2019-05-27 05:53:59 UTC  

If all journalists lost their jobs tomorrow, I think Tim would see it as a social good, and I would be in agreement. It needs to build up from the ashes to adapt to the new medium.

2019-05-27 05:55:38 UTC  

I'm never one to push for that. So many people think they can just rebuild things better, like its so easy......
But we do indeed have a problem that needs some corrections (maybe more).

2019-05-27 05:56:27 UTC  

Yeah I am not for "burn it all down" broadly, but certain aspects of society, if they did have a collapse it would be for the better of everyone.

2019-05-27 05:56:45 UTC  

CNN layoffs had me giddy.

2019-05-27 05:57:24 UTC  

Sucks for the folks working there, but I know a lot of them are morally bankrupt, so layoffs could not happen to more deserving folks. I feel bad for their kids though.

2019-05-27 05:57:59 UTC  

The market is enacting its justice.

2019-05-27 05:59:52 UTC  

I don't see that as justice. Its not like the bosses go anywhere, CCN could easily hire more staff back down the road to do the same thing. That CNN stuff while maybe nice to see, it still doesn't change how these companies will keep pushing a narrative.

2019-05-27 06:01:34 UTC  

I wouldn't mind if some of those's places went under, but i'm not sure how much of that would fix anything.

2019-05-27 06:05:04 UTC  

There is no magic bullet, but money lost, bad actors discouraged, and the occasional individual opening their eyes to reality, it's all iterative. It's just like how we got out of the Satanic panic.

2019-05-27 06:05:36 UTC  

Future dystopias will come, that's guaranteed, humans do not learn, but we can get short breaks inbetween.

2019-05-27 06:12:13 UTC  

I wouldn't say anything is guaranteed. But that's the point i guess, no one knows.