Message from @[DGI]tech

Discord ID: 583847478248341507

2019-05-31 00:05:46 UTC  


2019-05-31 00:16:25 UTC  

I will admit that receiving FAFSA (financial aid) was immensely helpful towards my Associates in Computer Networking, and I very likely would not have been able to pursue it without some form of financial help. I would have inevitably opted for certifications out right (which I am shooting for now) but the ability to attend is appreciated. With that said, I did pursue a path of competency that is applicable to our job market, and society as a whole.

2019-05-31 00:17:19 UTC  

But, I do not like the idea of coddling, and while I can't see the future I do believe that coddling and allowing degeneracy in the form of art, history, and so on will lead to humanities collapse.

2019-05-31 00:19:43 UTC  

In addition, many issues people face are self-created, and could have been easily prevented.

2019-05-31 00:38:42 UTC  

You combined a great many different topics with that.

2019-05-31 00:48:15 UTC  

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π—π•πˆ β€” π‚πŽππ‚π„π‘ππˆππ† π‹πˆππ„π‘π€π‹πˆπ“π˜ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 πŒπ„π€πππ„π’π’
Commencing then with the first of the above-named characteristics, I say that it would be well to be reputed liberal... (However) a prince thus inclined will consume in such acts all his property, and will be compelled in the end... (to) tax (his people), and do everything he can to get money. This will soon make him odious to his subjects... thus... having offended many and rewarded few, he is affected by the very first trouble and imperilled by whatever may be the first danger... (H)e runs at once into the reproach of being miserly.

Therefore, a prince... if he is wise he ought not to fear the reputation of being mean, for in time he will come to be more considered than if liberal, seeing that with his economy his revenues are enough, that he can defend himself against all attacks, and is able to engage in enterprises without burdening his people..."
Don't believe ***ME,*** I'm a psychopath, ΒΏright?

2019-05-31 00:51:39 UTC  

I should also note that my first quarter at college I failed πŸ˜‚ and had my financial aid revoked. I went to school originally for EE. I took a quarter off, went one quarter and took a single class that I paid for out of pocket, took another quarter off and then finally started my Networking program. I wound up writing a 2 page essay why I deserved financial aid back, and outlined how I was going to eliminate previous mistakes.

Fast forward 2-years and I graduated with roughly a 3.5 GPA, even though I graduated from High-School with a 2 or so. My first two years I passed with a 1.2 and 1.4 GPA (Fresh/Soph).

Ultimately, while the money was free per-say after learning from my mistakes I treated that free aid as if I paid out of pocket, and did extremely well. My education has deeper value because of it, and now I'm doing better off than many people I once knew.

2019-05-31 01:08:30 UTC  

My degree plan required us to take an EE class in the form of Digital Logic. It made me realize that I wanted nothing to do with hardware ever again.

2019-05-31 01:33:35 UTC  

@wolfman1911 Yikes. I quickly realized EE was not for me, or at the very least, not then. I'm not too interested in studying math for 75% of my classes for the next 4-years.

2019-05-31 01:34:23 UTC  

Was the class bad, or the Prof?

2019-05-31 01:35:15 UTC  


2019-05-31 01:35:55 UTC  

The teacher wasn't bad, except for the fact that he kind of bailed on us about a month or two before the semester ended.

2019-05-31 01:36:32 UTC  

I kinda came to the conclusion that teaching that class was a punishment or something, but I don't really remember why.

2019-05-31 01:51:51 UTC  

>he kind of bailed on us about a month or two before the semester ended.

That's sketch.

2019-05-31 01:52:56 UTC  

I also wished college's taught less bullshit or only shit that's relevant to your career.

2019-05-31 01:53:19 UTC  

I could have graduated 1-2 quarters (3-6 months) sooner if there wasn't added bullshit that the college clearly wanted to make funding off of.

2019-05-31 02:33:56 UTC  

But you can't be a civil engineer without reading the Vagina Monologues

2019-05-31 02:39:10 UTC  

YouTube is a helluva thing. I go to Yale in my spare time ;)

2019-05-31 02:39:14 UTC  


2019-05-31 02:41:15 UTC  

@[DGI]tech am I wrong tho 😎

2019-05-31 02:41:26 UTC  

Oh not at all πŸ˜‰

2019-05-31 03:01:52 UTC  


2019-05-31 03:04:21 UTC  

Wait, hole up... Yale has a YouTube channel, do ΒΏhow do we ***KNOW*** you're wrong? I don't know you ain't attending Yale...

2019-05-31 03:05:46 UTC  


2019-05-31 03:05:54 UTC  

Why can't I post pictures 😭

2019-05-31 03:06:02 UTC  

I had the perfect response

2019-05-31 03:06:11 UTC  

Screenshot links!

2019-05-31 03:06:30 UTC  

For this weeks surprise cringe

2019-05-31 03:08:20 UTC  


2019-05-31 03:20:42 UTC  

Friendly reminder, Mueller will close the walls on Trump!

2019-05-31 03:32:11 UTC  

Ya that's nice.

2019-05-31 03:35:18 UTC  

I take that back;
Certain mbers of Congress WILL attempt to impeach him anyways- Fuck facts, *'Orange man bad.'*
The day they start I intend to be in DC; I really don't give a fuck why, if the Senate does actually go there, they will find a dangerous psychotic **PHYSICALLY** blocking their path.
They remove him over my *litteral* dead body.

2019-05-31 03:37:47 UTC  

@Shadows i don't think mass automation is why people are pushing UBI either, i think its the main argument they make for it

2019-05-31 03:44:31 UTC  

@[DGI]tech the bullshit your referring to is the "liberal education" philosophy that the US has adopted. it tries to ensure members come out of college well rounded. Europe has been moving away from this model, thus they now have 3 year degree programs.

2019-05-31 03:51:12 UTC  

@Putz I have a bud over in Europe, and in a way college is largely indoctrination camps just as it may be here in certain areas.

But, I will admit, moving towards a 3-year program would be nice. I to this day do not think their "well rounded programs" are of any benefit, nor holds any merit towards society. It's a waste of my time, and money. You should learn to interact in a wide array of situations from your parents if they aren't incompetent (which many are unfortunately), and you will learn even more so when you enter the professional workforce. Newer generations are largely being coddled, and many of them would not survive in the military. Unfortunately, even the military is being cucked into oblivion because "feelings." Emotion skews decision making, and can sway people when they shouldn't.

2019-05-31 03:54:30 UTC  

Also, video games, and other forms of art that directly reflect our cultural values are being torn apart due to inaccuracies. History is being diluted, and next thing you know purple hair dildo wearers are going to claim to have won previous world wars through the power of friendship.

2019-05-31 03:56:47 UTC  

@[DGI]tech that's why more emphasis is and will be made on certifications, degrees are depreciating at an alarming rate

2019-05-31 04:30:42 UTC  

@Putz Agreed.

2019-05-31 04:31:00 UTC  

A friend of mine who is a consultant for nigh all things IT largely does not care for degrees.

2019-05-31 04:31:19 UTC  

He prefers certifications, and will ultimately judge you by testing you during the interview process to make you prove your worth.

2019-05-31 04:33:57 UTC  

interviews are also shaky at best, but that's why i liberally used the "90 day probation programs" as a manager (back before i retired). HR departments hate you letting people go during probation because they"aren't a fit" or without providing retraining, etc to people before releasing them