Message from @Jeremy-Retard

Discord ID: 623503356144648192

2019-09-17 12:46:15 UTC  

You know how California outlawed open carry?

2019-09-17 12:47:44 UTC  

See, the gun lovers in California, for years, saw the way the wind was blowing. So they would protest in city streets by walking around openly (legally) carrying weapons. By legally, this meant they had to be unloaded and I believe in some cases had their bolts impeded. But they were legally carrying on the street. It's basically the best that Californians could do to show the pussys in the state that they wouldn't die just because a gun was near them.

2019-09-17 12:48:25 UTC  

Well, the citizens in this state are so estrogen-laden, they just got afraid of the protestors enough to start a statewide ballot measure to outright ban all open carry.... it passed.

2019-09-17 12:49:06 UTC  

So now, technically, you cannot open carry, and you can only concealed carry if you can convince a county judge to grant you a statewide CCP/CCW in California

2019-09-17 12:49:18 UTC  

So, legally speaking, 2A is violated in California.

2019-09-17 12:50:22 UTC  

The amazing thing is, I know more people now, law abiding citizens, who carry concealed illegally, than I knew before this shit hit the fan.

2019-09-17 12:50:48 UTC  

They're mostly women, so they'll get away with it if they're ever searched and not doing anything else wrong.

2019-09-17 12:53:31 UTC  

@Jeremy-Retard I got a friend in mass who got a part time security job ap he could carry legally lol I told em I'd just break the law instead. It's way easier

2019-09-17 12:54:05 UTC  

It's risky, but I tend to agree the risk is minimal if you follow all other laws.

2019-09-17 12:54:28 UTC  

I'm not sure if hes in Massachusetts or Connecticut. I told him to move to new Hampshire

2019-09-17 12:54:40 UTC  

Nh is a superior state

2019-09-17 12:54:50 UTC  

Also, if you perchance DO use your weapon to defend yourself, and the state attempts to prosecute you for illegally carrying, they have a very hard fight on their hands convicting someone who was only saving their life.

2019-09-17 12:55:22 UTC  

New York arrested a guy for using his dad's gun to defend himself I wouldn't put it past them

2019-09-17 12:55:41 UTC  

They will lose if those people have any funds to defend their civil rights.

2019-09-17 12:56:13 UTC  

Know what's funny is I ordered an extractor for my tec9 and it's coming from the capital of new York

2019-09-17 12:56:26 UTC  

It's just a piece of metal.

2019-09-17 12:56:46 UTC  

But of all places for a tec part to come from

2019-09-17 12:57:08 UTC  

They banned that gun 30 years ago

2019-09-17 12:58:57 UTC  

That's the thing too, anti-gunners are so stupid about the thing they hate, they think their laws stop things.

2019-09-17 12:59:44 UTC  

They're like people who hate video games. Imagine if people who think video games are evil tried to restrict the use of video games by outlawing scary packaging.

2019-09-17 13:00:22 UTC  

"We can't have that violence-promoting package anymore, we have to keep software-of-war out of the hands of the wrong people."

2019-09-17 13:34:10 UTC  

"Violent video games are only for military training. Why do you NEED violent video games."

2019-09-17 13:45:57 UTC  

*"I played mario kart with my son. We don't need assault video games in our homes"*

2019-09-17 13:58:04 UTC  

*We shouldn't teach our kids advanced Assault Driving techniques like that*

2019-09-17 14:01:13 UTC  

*"Even gamers want common sense assault game control"*

2019-09-17 14:07:11 UTC  

Its a slippery slope folks. Teach kids to toss banana peels and shells and they will grow up to toss bottles and cigarette butts.

2019-09-17 14:07:36 UTC  

"Only people who hate America would want to protect the right to own video games of war."

2019-09-17 14:25:10 UTC  

Gangs like the tec9 for its price not its barrel shroud lol

2019-09-17 18:12:11 UTC  

Try and take my gun, and I will kill you with it. I might die in the process, but I'm taking you with me. (I seriously doubt you'd try though...)
*"I have no idea what you're talking about"*
¿You can't even follow your own comments? 😲😲😲😲
I got out of CA about a year before that happened, so I missed it.
¿Ballot initiative huh? Proves once again how utterly broken the system is.
Ban video games and I'll become a game developer... I've *litterally* done the equivalent.
Walk Away is awesome. Period.

2019-09-17 18:16:54 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry. Why would i take your gun?

2019-09-17 18:18:51 UTC  

The only people who should not have access to guns are people who are not emancipated (should then be controlled by the authority over them) and people deemed not-trustworthy to have guns. And those people should be removed from open society

2019-09-17 18:18:59 UTC  

I put retard in my name to Dare Discord to ban me.

2019-09-17 18:19:11 UTC  

[crackles knuckles]

2019-09-17 18:19:23 UTC  

But for the purposes of this discussion, in case a moderator is listening, "why of course I am retarded."

2019-09-17 18:19:47 UTC  

Someday I hope there are two of them.

2019-09-17 18:21:17 UTC  

*"You"* in the more general sense...
IIRC, Jennifer4Ø13 (twiiter troll) threatened to pepperspray any open carrier she saw and take their gun.
Over a dozen gun supporters (myself included) warned her she's gonna get herself killed doing exactly that.

2019-09-17 18:22:39 UTC  

REEEEEd flag

2019-09-17 18:23:17 UTC  

You know it's an American idea because they said "red flag" not "red card"

2019-09-17 18:23:31 UTC  

Damn soccer hooligans.