Message from @grant

Discord ID: 626301206540582942

2019-09-25 02:06:26 UTC  


2019-09-25 02:07:38 UTC  

yes, i really like the idea of individual uses of solar power and such

2019-09-25 03:16:51 UTC  

There is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry. you impeach or you don't. This just shows Pelosi has lost control of the house and needs to appease the far left. The far left might have damming info on Pelosi

2019-09-25 03:18:59 UTC  

We are going to have a meeting to review the meeting where we will discuss the location of the next meeting

2019-09-25 03:24:03 UTC  

We are going to appoint a beewatcher watcher watcher

2019-09-25 04:21:47 UTC  

*"it's only an anti-semitic term if you think the jews control the world"*
Holy shit... *'It's only anti-semetic if you're an anti-semite...'* 😲😲

2019-09-25 04:40:16 UTC  

For the record, there is no mountain (mostly flat farmland) and the lake is a mud puddle 😏 (referencing the severe storm text scroller). Also, they protest because they can't come to terms of who he really is.

2019-09-25 05:10:33 UTC  

little over a week til this drops

2019-09-25 05:13:29 UTC  

Makes me want to go watch the Keith Ledger Batman movie.

2019-09-25 06:03:22 UTC  
2019-09-25 06:03:51 UTC  

the idea of a wealth tax continues to ignore the laffer curve. Which basically states that income is relatively flat regardless of tax rate because of the incentives and disincentives that a tax places on the economy. If you look at the history of the US tax collection (since we moved away from the tariff tax based tax system), regardless of tax rate, the average income for the government is 18%

2019-09-25 06:03:59 UTC  

any new tax may collect new revenue, but also comes with added expense in administration and the issue of de-incentivizing some behaviors that may be socially positive.

Then they will create loopholes to try to reintroduce those incentives, just as we have now in the income tax system. The end result is we will still be sitting at 18% of GDP in tax revenues unless you can convince society that additional services are worth the cost and people become happy to pay more than 18%.

2019-09-25 06:10:55 UTC  

A Wealth tax seems really destructive to me. As Tim notes people has wealth isn't necessarily liquid. People who own businesses and house are going to suffer a lot.

2019-09-25 06:14:39 UTC  

example: 2% wealth tax: Person owns house worth 300k will pay an additional 6k a year on top of income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, property tax, ect.

2019-09-25 06:17:23 UTC  

Now my understanding is maybe you only tax people with assets over a million dollars. still My parents bought a house worth ~300k to 400k in the 90s. the house is now worth over 1millions dollars. they can't afford to pay 20k on top of the bills they already pay, they would have to sell the house.

2019-09-25 06:19:30 UTC  

Similar problem with businesses. taxes will just eat companies up and destroy them and the jobs they bring

2019-09-25 06:20:03 UTC  

not to mentions you have to tax people on the retirement plans, to the point they'll never be able to retire.

2019-09-25 06:23:11 UTC  

Many farmers who own hundreds of acres, if a nearby city is growing, their assets skyrocket into millions of dollars in value. Suddenly the farmer cannot afford the land because of the tax. And suddenly putting dozens of acres up for sale increases supply, lowers demand, and now lowers the value.

2019-09-25 06:23:42 UTC  

Wealth tax makes no sense, only liquid assets should be taxable.

2019-09-25 06:24:38 UTC  

I remember seeing a fox story about a family farm that was basically shut down by an estate tax. Yes, they should have planned better, but it shouldn't happen that a tax basically causes a business to shut down and people to become homeless and unemployed

2019-09-25 06:25:18 UTC  

Washington's inheritance tax does that too.

2019-09-25 06:25:45 UTC  

It's silly because the government is basically destroying future taxable income.

2019-09-25 06:25:57 UTC  

For a pittance.

2019-09-25 06:26:19 UTC  

Why leave for tomorrow what can be done today?

2019-09-25 06:26:37 UTC  

That income's going to be way easier to destroy today than if they let it grow before taxing it.

2019-09-25 06:29:22 UTC  

I'm pretty sure a wealth tax is going to encourage people to hide their assets in things like crypto currency and gold, or possibly other things that government might have a hard time tracking like art or historical items.

2019-09-25 06:31:22 UTC  

Pretty much all taxes do

2019-09-25 06:32:16 UTC  

And the Billionaires will simply buy citizenship in the Caribbean.

2019-09-25 06:32:50 UTC  

Well, technically folks who make just 200k per year can afford to buy citizenship in a variety of countries.

2019-09-25 06:32:53 UTC  

In medieval times, rings were very common, as were gold chains, because they could not be taxed; As a result, a poor man would have at least *"a"* gold ring, a rich man a ring on every segment of his fingers- Two, if they would fit.

2019-09-25 06:40:54 UTC  

A lot of wealth will just leave the US and we'll all be poorer

2019-09-25 06:41:31 UTC  

Cutting out most of the bureaucratic processes of our government would fix that 18% income. We have way to many committees and subcommittees, we should be striving for minimalist governing.

2019-09-25 07:15:11 UTC  

don't forget the US already has a wealth tax of 1.7%, so this would be an additional wealth tax

2019-09-25 07:17:26 UTC  

and i don't think the goal is a wealth tax at all. i think they really just want the "National Wealth Registry" and are using the tax as a pretense to create it

2019-09-25 07:18:15 UTC  

just like the "common sense gun laws" are really about creating a registry on guns. it's the information they want