Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 626335457936146442

2019-09-25 06:23:42 UTC  

Wealth tax makes no sense, only liquid assets should be taxable.

2019-09-25 06:24:38 UTC  

I remember seeing a fox story about a family farm that was basically shut down by an estate tax. Yes, they should have planned better, but it shouldn't happen that a tax basically causes a business to shut down and people to become homeless and unemployed

2019-09-25 06:25:18 UTC  

Washington's inheritance tax does that too.

2019-09-25 06:25:45 UTC  

It's silly because the government is basically destroying future taxable income.

2019-09-25 06:25:57 UTC  

For a pittance.

2019-09-25 06:26:19 UTC  

Why leave for tomorrow what can be done today?

2019-09-25 06:26:37 UTC  

That income's going to be way easier to destroy today than if they let it grow before taxing it.

2019-09-25 06:29:22 UTC  

I'm pretty sure a wealth tax is going to encourage people to hide their assets in things like crypto currency and gold, or possibly other things that government might have a hard time tracking like art or historical items.

2019-09-25 06:31:22 UTC  

Pretty much all taxes do

2019-09-25 06:32:16 UTC  

And the Billionaires will simply buy citizenship in the Caribbean.

2019-09-25 06:32:50 UTC  

Well, technically folks who make just 200k per year can afford to buy citizenship in a variety of countries.

2019-09-25 06:32:53 UTC  

In medieval times, rings were very common, as were gold chains, because they could not be taxed; As a result, a poor man would have at least *"a"* gold ring, a rich man a ring on every segment of his fingers- Two, if they would fit.

2019-09-25 06:40:54 UTC  

A lot of wealth will just leave the US and we'll all be poorer

2019-09-25 06:41:31 UTC  

Cutting out most of the bureaucratic processes of our government would fix that 18% income. We have way to many committees and subcommittees, we should be striving for minimalist governing.

2019-09-25 07:15:11 UTC  

don't forget the US already has a wealth tax of 1.7%, so this would be an additional wealth tax

2019-09-25 07:17:26 UTC  

and i don't think the goal is a wealth tax at all. i think they really just want the "National Wealth Registry" and are using the tax as a pretense to create it

2019-09-25 07:18:15 UTC  

just like the "common sense gun laws" are really about creating a registry on guns. it's the information they want

2019-09-25 07:19:03 UTC  

also on top of that biden wants to make the top marginal tax rate 77%

2019-09-25 07:20:06 UTC  

I don't have enough helicopter emojis

2019-09-25 07:21:43 UTC  

and don't forget Warren's plan included a one-time 40% “exit tax”. For those who try to leave the country

2019-09-25 10:42:48 UTC I think she gets my vote for cuntiest member of "the squad".

2019-09-25 10:55:15 UTC  

Jane FONDA Jr. has a better chance than Fauxahontas...

2019-09-25 12:17:15 UTC  

I'd agree with that. "Frying Pan Face" Tlaib is a cunt

2019-09-25 12:20:33 UTC  

who is Jane FONDA Jr to you?

2019-09-25 12:21:05 UTC  

when dem, there are too many this

2019-09-25 14:38:27 UTC
poor kids

Climate change is a full blown doomsday cult now

2019-09-25 15:22:29 UTC  


2019-09-25 15:25:33 UTC  

it wasn't as severe as it's grown lately

2019-09-25 15:26:25 UTC  

we're getting into suicide pacts now that's dangerous grounds

2019-09-25 15:30:14 UTC  

I think climate change insanity is going to increase and get far worse. I think you’ll see worse violence than antifa over it.

2019-09-25 15:31:22 UTC  

Climate change is fundamentally different than the other social justice nonsense because it’s literally a doomsday event, as described by the rhetoric

2019-09-25 15:34:32 UTC  

eco terrorism is going to become a regular occurance

2019-09-25 15:40:43 UTC  


2019-09-25 15:40:59 UTC  

I think it will get worse as fossil fuel use reduces.

2019-09-25 15:41:02 UTC  

No joke.

2019-09-25 15:42:54 UTC  

yeah more than likely

2019-09-25 15:44:05 UTC  

one thing I think people on the other side of the debate should avoid though is using the word "hoax" hoax is conspiracy talk they should be using pseudoscience

2019-09-25 15:47:06 UTC  

When most people are using electric cars, I think the remaining people driving gas cars will be harassed.

2019-09-25 15:49:02 UTC  

That could happen as early as 2035 maybe.

2019-09-25 15:54:29 UTC  

harassed, it will be made illegal. Just like driving will when self-driving cars get better