Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 495431177377808396

2018-09-27 18:39:20 UTC

2018-09-28 00:13:40 UTC

2018-09-28 00:13:40 UTC  

🆙 | **Salacious Swanky Cat leveled up!**

2018-09-28 00:58:34 UTC

2018-09-28 00:59:47 UTC

2018-09-28 12:53:02 UTC

2018-09-28 16:37:40 UTC

2018-09-28 16:43:52 UTC

2018-09-28 16:44:10 UTC  

the woman behind him looks like Fiona to boot lol

2018-09-28 16:51:59 UTC

2018-09-28 18:11:47 UTC

2018-09-28 19:17:39 UTC

2018-09-28 19:35:03 UTC

2018-09-28 20:33:17 UTC

2018-09-28 20:38:13 UTC

2018-09-28 22:40:15 UTC

2018-09-29 01:30:52 UTC  

Beauty and The Beta comic book? The vibes?

2018-09-29 01:53:45 UTC  


2018-09-29 03:04:45 UTC

2018-09-29 03:05:11 UTC  

just made that, I'm about to firebomb a leftist echo chamber with memes

2018-09-29 03:06:37 UTC  

Lol. Where

2018-09-29 03:18:31 UTC  

It's an elder scrolls server

2018-09-29 03:18:57 UTC  

this commy douche practically runs amok in the off-topic channel

2018-09-29 03:24:10 UTC  

Oh. 😐. I’ve never played that game.

2018-09-29 03:28:30 UTC  

one is legit trying to debate me using a vox video hehehe

2018-09-29 03:28:37 UTC  

so cute

2018-09-29 03:30:29 UTC  

Lol. Vox? Is the video full of lies?

2018-09-29 03:32:50 UTC  

it's just a big dud. when someone can't argue, they throw a video at you. instead of taking points of the video and laying them out before you. it's an excellent stalling tactic

2018-09-29 03:34:15 UTC  

Generally yes, but is the video itself wrong?

2018-09-29 03:37:47 UTC  

it's the video on why the accusers can't remember anything

2018-09-29 03:38:02 UTC  

there's not much there. you could predict what the video says before watching it

2018-09-29 03:38:43 UTC  

Oh. So the ‘victims deserve to be believed’ nonsense?

2018-09-29 03:38:49 UTC  

he sets up this argument of "memories are not like a photograph or video taken by a camera to review it later on as you please" and gladly explains why he's right

2018-09-29 03:39:16 UTC  

and about selective memory during trauma

2018-09-29 03:39:24 UTC  

but again, it's not much substance

2018-09-29 03:40:19 UTC  

What garbage.

2018-09-29 03:44:43 UTC  

I can’t stand the ‘believe the [supposed] victims’ nonsense. Where do they think the term witch hunt comes from? How do you think lynch mobs justified killing black men? The same idiots want to get rid of the death penalty because INNOCENT PEOPLE occasionally get convicted. Even with the standard of justice we apply now. This is pure insanity.

2018-09-29 03:45:01 UTC  

Oh I agree

2018-09-29 03:45:16 UTC  

and you see, I'm not sure what the average American has seen in this case

2018-09-29 03:45:54 UTC  

they could come home from work, turn on the tv, and see snips of the hearing and already decide Kavanaugh did it because virtually all democrats are treating this as if he was already found guilty

2018-09-29 03:48:20 UTC  

That’s only if you trust the Democrats. I bet half the country thinks this is crap.