Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 512996856934957070

2018-11-16 12:18:41 UTC

2018-11-16 12:18:48 UTC

2018-11-16 12:59:33 UTC  

That's considered 'trolling' Fox news? I get that they are defining success down because she's a moron, but that seems like a really low bar even considering that.

2018-11-16 13:04:10 UTC  

Not only that, but who has been "taking care of children" and "save the planet" why do they keep complaining about how they turn out when they get older (men).

2018-11-16 13:17:40 UTC  

There are some videos on YouTube of Dick Masterson going on Dr. Phil playing the most straight faced troll character I've ever seen. The character he's playing is a 'men are better than women' character, and he never comes close to breaking character.

Anyway, he gets into this argument with this woman and destroys her as completely as I've ever seen on the topic of toxic masculinity. One of the interesting things that came up was that she said that there were a lot of men in prison, and he shot back that they were raised by women.

2018-11-16 13:34:24 UTC  

Can't have Communism without slavery(she's a member of a commie group - I forget the name)

2018-11-16 13:35:14 UTC  

and not being able to own the fruits of your labour amounts to slavery

2018-11-16 13:36:07 UTC  

I believe they were called the BullShiviks

2018-11-16 13:40:11 UTC

2018-11-16 13:41:55 UTC  

he's getting all conspiratorial and blaming some oppo-research guy for his arrest

2018-11-16 13:43:58 UTC  

Lol. Gets caught beating a woman; blames everyone else.

2018-11-16 14:01:48 UTC  

he also said the woman hit him first...

2018-11-16 14:03:02 UTC  

guess what, in this age of VAWA, he's still fucked, there is no self-defense available to a man in a DV situation

2018-11-16 14:04:51 UTC  

if she hit him, there must be a viable reason, or so it goes

2018-11-16 14:05:44 UTC  

Lol. What if this red pills him?

2018-11-16 14:07:05 UTC  

doubt it - he's probably too far gone

2018-11-16 14:07:12 UTC  

Good point

2018-11-16 14:11:12 UTC  

you could get stabbed by your wife and never hit her and still get jailed

2018-11-16 14:21:07 UTC  

He becomes an MRA

2018-11-16 14:21:45 UTC  


2018-11-16 14:26:21 UTC

2018-11-16 18:08:52 UTC

2018-11-16 18:23:29 UTC  

Is that ironic or what

2018-11-16 18:39:09 UTC  

That is tragically ironic. They do realize PP was started as a population control for blacks right?

2018-11-16 18:39:10 UTC  

🆙 | **Josh & Jess Hahn leveled up!**

2018-11-16 18:45:17 UTC  

No they don't, in fact they go out of their way to justify and deny it.

2018-11-16 22:54:09 UTC

2018-11-16 22:54:10 UTC

2018-11-16 22:55:47 UTC  

Oh _mate_

2018-11-16 22:55:56 UTC  

But you know what, it was only a matter of time

2018-11-16 22:56:32 UTC  

Losing my shit

2018-11-16 22:58:17 UTC  

I just know that the media commentariat will not stick to their claimed principles

2018-11-16 23:02:50 UTC  

Our Irl shitposting senators make Australia so much better.

2018-11-16 23:03:07 UTC  

Yeah to balance off our now-retarded feminist armed forces

2018-11-16 23:03:22 UTC  

It all checks out!

2018-11-16 23:04:33 UTC  

Mate don't get me fucking started on that subject. I'll rant for hours.

2018-11-16 23:05:47 UTC  

anyone notice that the women in that video, their military jobs all require them to sit to do their jobs? lol

2018-11-16 23:06:35 UTC  

They're all inside the wire jobs too.

2018-11-16 23:07:22 UTC  

@Your_Hirsute_Friend I’d love to hear this to be honest

2018-11-16 23:07:29 UTC  

Join us in off hours someday mate

2018-11-16 23:08:09 UTC  

@Agent Smith apparently it’s the greatest meme right now, especially to people who got kicked out of their chosen roles to entice the wahmin to enlist