Message from @amlam
Discord ID: 531338476688506892
I forget what the original screen pic was, but it was sweet
Hey shes trying to be nice and wipe that sweat from his face while he wrestles
Glorious trolling
For starters, the best thing to do is to just get off of social media and don't engage.....
but nope...that's just too logical
stolen from FB. All I have to say about it is....what's stopping people from starting these campaigns?
This is more a testament to marketing and publicity than it is a commentary on human morality
Why would 3 million people donate to one random person’s chemo fund?
Also I’m skeptical that $14M fixes Flint’s water thing. If that were true then celebrities would’ve fixed it years ago just for the publicity
Flint is one big clusterfuck, I am betting it would be closer to 50 or 60 million to fix
@Niknar84 Not being able to solve every problem in the world makes us evil........
So i guess we shouldn't try to solve any, its the only way to not be evil.
I'm just saying, the amount of time it took them to write that out..they could have started their own gofundme campaigns for those inititives...instead "orange man bad"
Did you know that some people don’t want to spend their money the way I want to spend their money? 7 billion people are evil because of this. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to get another abortion. The 12th one is free!
@Niknar84 Heh no i was agreeing with you, that statement was for the post.
how dare you spend your money on abortions! I need your money for mavidyagames
The wall would save enough to fix all these problems
Flint's local government would squander the money on their bonuses and salaries before they would even get to the drawingboard
while we are at it, repeal direct voting for senators and limit terms for all of congress
Yesterday i was arguing with people who keep saying the women's vote was an equality act. And i ask them what about the same responsibilities.
they do not have the same responsibilities. No draft signup no vote
all the committee meetings would drain that $14M in months
Hot take: only married couples with children should get a vote and the family should vote as one
@Agent Smith Most the people who were in charge in Flint are no longer there, its so that statement doesn't really work. If they were tho, it could be true.
what makes you think their replacements are any better? If they were, it would be fixed by now
I can't say they are better or worst, but things like that are not so simple to fix.
I think they are simple but not for a corrupt system like flint has. They have the same issues with government that Louisiana has
Retards vote for retards who pay themselves and other retards and the whole community crumbles while it happens
cuz of the bureaucracy
I haven’t followed the Flint crisis in particular but since it’s in Michigan I wouldn’t be surprised if the root of this problem was back when the unions were so powerful
the bureaucracy is what gets them paid first
Well the unions pay them first. Then they give special perks to the unions. Then this happens until no one but union cronies are in government. Then the underlying industry the unions represent goes away but their shell is left as a parasite in the government where taxes are just sucked out of the people and pocketed by the cronies and lobbyists
So I guess if that’s the bureaucracy you’re talking about then yes
All i know is that when you make a mistake like Flint had/has, it takes more then money and the right people trying to fix the problem, it also takes time.
yeah, that including the laws designed to make things harder
Of course. I’m just saying the lead pipes problem is easy as fuck to fix and could be done tomorrow if they were pipes in a building owned by a company who gave a shit. Since they’re pipes owned by a bunch of human leeches nothing will ever get done