Message from @amlam

Discord ID: 555219884800212992

2019-03-13 02:40:50 UTC  

That’s why I said we need a different category

2019-03-13 02:41:10 UTC  

there already is mobile games, still games but targeted at different demographics

2019-03-13 02:41:30 UTC  

I don't say FPS aren't games because I'm don't like them or play them

2019-03-13 02:41:41 UTC  

Ah, I take it back, this study pointedly omitted "social games" so the farmvilles etc, so the family/farm sims are probably not facebook games in this study.

2019-03-13 02:41:43 UTC  

It's like saying someone who plays chess is a jock

2019-03-13 02:42:02 UTC  

it would be like The Sims and Harvest Moon

2019-03-13 02:42:05 UTC  

I've no idea what you crazy kids are talking about.
A video game is 1 line vs 1 line with a circle going back and forth.
*Stopped counting after the first day*
*Yes i know this wasn't the first first game*

2019-03-13 02:42:22 UTC  

Stardew Valley or whatever it was, was popular as hell for a good while

2019-03-13 02:42:45 UTC  

I do want to try that game out I do like a little Harvest Moon when chilling

2019-03-13 02:42:53 UTC  

The same thing but horizontal was the first game

2019-03-13 02:43:22 UTC  

There was another interesting study comparing Chinese gamers and Western gamers. They found Chinese men and women who game play for the same reasons. While western male and female gamers played for the opposite reasons.

2019-03-13 02:43:37 UTC  

I like Stardew valley, I got addicted to Harvest Moon and the stupid real time feature forced me to quit

2019-03-13 02:44:10 UTC  

I would love a system to play Harvest Moon on again.

2019-03-13 02:44:13 UTC  

used to play the original Harvest Moon in the day

2019-03-13 02:44:18 UTC  

Yeah, the Chinese market is completely different

2019-03-13 02:44:32 UTC  

I thought I was pretty into it, but wow my Mother was really dedicated to that game

2019-03-13 02:44:47 UTC  

she had the whole farm planted with corn she had all the bell plant thingys everything

2019-03-13 02:45:01 UTC  

They found Chinese women have near identical motivations to Chinese men (with small differences). I guess communism worked 😛

2019-03-13 02:45:03 UTC  

I can't picture my mom playing video games of any kind

2019-03-13 02:45:17 UTC  

I want more Harvest Moon games that looked like 64. Kind of cutesy. But I suppose it was one of those things that made it unique for its time

2019-03-13 02:45:36 UTC  

I loved Back To Nature

2019-03-13 02:45:40 UTC  

That game was so damn good

2019-03-13 02:45:50 UTC  

My sister liked the Sims

2019-03-13 02:45:50 UTC  

me and my mother would play games till late every night when I was a kid, staying up to 2am was a common occurrence then waking up for school at 7am

2019-03-13 02:45:50 UTC  

Had it for the PS1

2019-03-13 02:46:01 UTC  

I forget the names of the ones i played.

2019-03-13 02:46:01 UTC  

no wonder i started drinking coffee at 9

2019-03-13 02:46:13 UTC  

Back to Nature was good

2019-03-13 02:46:42 UTC  

there was another one Wonderful life for Gamecube/ps2 that was interesting it used a moveable camera

2019-03-13 02:47:03 UTC  

The only one I ever played was Back to Nature

2019-03-13 02:47:08 UTC  

I think I should still have it somewhere

2019-03-13 02:47:24 UTC  

Pics or it didn't happen.

2019-03-13 02:47:36 UTC  

Being a big grand strategy fan I'm surprised a whole 7% of players are women

2019-03-13 02:47:36 UTC  


2019-03-13 02:47:44 UTC  

Rune Factory games are quite good too

2019-03-13 02:47:54 UTC  

Harvest moon mixed with dungeon crawler

2019-03-13 02:48:03 UTC  

i think there's a new one coming for Switch soon too

2019-03-13 02:48:23 UTC  

My Time at Portia is apparently a pretty good harvestmoon type game.

2019-03-13 02:48:26 UTC  

Sims 1 was neat. They gradually moved away from the tone of that game and more towards casualshit

2019-03-13 02:48:52 UTC  

never got into Sims but loved Sim City

2019-03-13 02:49:04 UTC  

I’ve never played Sims but my wife loves it