Message from @amlam

Discord ID: 555114699436458039

2019-03-12 19:38:01 UTC  

ppl that cant boil water on a stove if you gave them the instructions.

2019-03-12 19:39:48 UTC  

Humans aren't ever really like that, tho even if they were. Giving them instructions would only make things worst, as that's not how humans learn best.

2019-03-12 19:39:49 UTC  

It’s analogous to his point. He’s against self driving cars because humans drive them right now. That’s retard tier economics

2019-03-12 19:40:53 UTC  

@Shadows it has to do with the cognitive ability to follow instructions.

2019-03-12 19:41:14 UTC  

@amlam i think tucker is concerned with the rate of change, rather than the change itself

2019-03-12 19:41:22 UTC  

Not displacing 10mil people without jobs isn't a retard tier economics.

2019-03-12 19:41:41 UTC  

when jobs go obsolete in less than a generation, that can cause problems

2019-03-12 19:41:44 UTC  

Artificially hampering human productivity because it isn’t good for some people is pretty retarded

2019-03-12 19:42:12 UTC  

I’m willing to entertain the timescale argument for sure though

2019-03-12 19:42:23 UTC  

But outlawing self driving cars isn’t the way to solve the problem

2019-03-12 19:42:36 UTC  

@Big T I know what you were getting at, but if a person really is stupid, giving them instructions isn't how you teach them lol.

2019-03-12 19:43:01 UTC  

did he actually say to outlaw self driving cars tho?

2019-03-12 19:43:21 UTC  

if not, then we can all find some common ground on the timescale part

2019-03-12 19:43:54 UTC  

@Shadows its not a matter of teaching, but rather a matter of trainability.

2019-03-12 19:44:02 UTC  

Did he not? If he didn’t then I’m mistaken on his position but I’m still hesitant to throw the brakes on technological advancement that will make society massively more productive

2019-03-12 19:44:49 UTC  

idk, thats why i asked you lol. i just know his general position on technological automation and its effect of jobs.

2019-03-12 19:45:40 UTC  

i personally think that in the case of truck drivers, they would probably be transitioned into a supervisory role over the cargo

2019-03-12 19:46:08 UTC  

or manually assisting in areas where gps or w/e goes screwy (Which does happen often in truck driving)

2019-03-12 19:46:51 UTC  

Humans will still be needed in an age of automation at the very least because they are infinitely more adaptable. The way I see it we just won’t be wasting 10s of millions of human lives by having them sit in a truck cab for their whole lives. Just like we were wasting everyone’s lives by having them plow fields and pick crops 100 years ago

2019-03-12 19:47:02 UTC  

@amlam Being wise about the chooses we make is never a bad thing, talking about all aspects of a problem does not make for a retarded argument. Tucker is looking at the human part of this issue.

2019-03-12 19:47:37 UTC  

Tucker is missing a large part of the human aspect though. What people do today will be viewed as a massive waste of time by generations who don’t have to do that shit

2019-03-12 19:47:54 UTC  

but thats future generations

2019-03-12 19:48:00 UTC  

that would be normal

2019-03-12 19:48:13 UTC  

its when its under a generation that is the issue

2019-03-12 19:48:22 UTC  

Only a fool would look at the past like that, as you could say the same thing that about almost anything in the past.....

2019-03-12 19:48:42 UTC  

when you spend 3-4 years training in a trade and it disappears

2019-03-12 19:48:45 UTC  

for example

2019-03-12 19:48:48 UTC  

or even 10

2019-03-12 19:49:22 UTC  

We all see it coming now. I get there’s a lot of truckers but that’s still not an argument for why technology shouldn’t do as much as possible

2019-03-12 19:50:24 UTC  

theres an entire field of computer science dedicated to this, the ethical side of tech.

2019-03-12 19:51:01 UTC  

what is made clear in it, is that progression for the sake of progression is not a universal good

2019-03-12 19:51:22 UTC  

especially with ai

2019-03-12 19:51:52 UTC  

I didn’t say it was for the sake of progression. I said it was for the sake of productivity, meaning raising the standard of living of humanity. Humans are adaptable enough to find something to do other than sit in a truck for 50 hours a week

2019-03-12 19:52:55 UTC  

are we measuring that by gdp per capita?

2019-03-12 19:54:25 UTC  

There are a number of ways to measure standard of living. Freeing up human capital to behave more like humans and less like machines though will always be a good thing. Not to mention you don’t have a right to stop people from developing tools

2019-03-12 19:55:13 UTC  

gdp per capita is usually the go to for quality of life in economics.

2019-03-12 19:55:22 UTC  

Science alone isn't meant to look at the effects of its actions (outside of what its testing), that's what the humans are meant to do.
CAN humans adapt? Yes, we do it all the time. Will it harm many humans in the meantime? To many to count. So people will look to try to minimizes this (if/when possible).

2019-03-12 19:56:37 UTC  

Developing tools has always reduced the number of people required to produce something or offer a service though. There’s fundamentally no reason why self driving cars are special

2019-03-12 19:57:16 UTC  

If the timescale is your issue then we should just put out a PSA today “In 10 years truck driver will not be a job. Prepare accordingly”

2019-03-12 19:57:44 UTC  

im with you generally, and yes the rate is an issue for me

2019-03-12 19:59:54 UTC  

Isn't everything always timescale?