Message from @cr4ck3r
Discord ID: 321008947257671701
Eh about 6 million give or take
Esoteric Hitlerism is an ideology of peace.
Is there an EH discord?
Esoteric Hitlerism is an ideology of peace. Total war=peace.
We will be peaceful once we have swept the Earth "clean."
I'm bringing a total of 18 fliers & 2 sandwiches, antifa had better hope they've left before I run out of things to do with my self 😉😂
I like the capitalist commie one
Yes, I just printed some put bc I don't feel like wasting the nice stuff on this event
Esp. When its gonna get tore up prolly
I read that interview again and realized Guardian was interviewing a faggot. Big surprise she wasn't enchanted by TWP lol
alright, creating new FB and Gmail and shit
its up
just need a picture
@cr4ck3r hmu homo
send me al ink to your fb
ok, i sent you a request
What a coincidence, we have the same birthday as well : ^ )
awesome, shit posting commenced
Will give everyone the update tonight or tomorrow when I get home & have time... but we got kicked out of muh free speech rally for carrying " diversity is code word for white genocide" signs by the (((oath keepers & DHS cops)))...
Yea and that is why I left the (((Fag Keepers))).
Fuck them.
Shit I know where my local (((Fag Keeper))) chapter is operating out of.
Yeah guessed there might be cucks so watch out
Getting ready to hang a massive "the jews did 911" banner on a freeway overpass with some DS goyim
Just great
True free speech
Will give update when I'm home late tonight or tomorrow
Though honestly the Chapter leader (a guy I know by the name of Dan) did call (((BLM))) niggers.