Message from @cr4ck3r
Discord ID: 321006666445357056
I want to see how the cops act towards them if they let them assault people and do nothing about it, they need to give them enough rope to hang themselves with and clean up their streets for awhile
Yeah with the mayor openly opposing this rally things could get interesting pretty quick
What kind of fliers are you bringing?
By the way, how many people do you think Esoteric Hitlerist cultists would have to blow up before liberals start shutting down art exhibitions and movies insulting our sacred leader in the fear of offending us.
Eh about 6 million give or take
Esoteric Hitlerism is an ideology of peace.
Is there an EH discord?
Esoteric Hitlerism is an ideology of peace. Total war=peace.
We will be peaceful once we have swept the Earth "clean."
I'm bringing a total of 18 fliers & 2 sandwiches, antifa had better hope they've left before I run out of things to do with my self 😉😂
I like the capitalist commie one
Yes, I just printed some put bc I don't feel like wasting the nice stuff on this event
Esp. When its gonna get tore up prolly
I read that interview again and realized Guardian was interviewing a faggot. Big surprise she wasn't enchanted by TWP lol
alright, creating new FB and Gmail and shit
just need a picture
@cr4ck3r hmu homo
i cant fit the haters gon hate part
send me al ink to your fb
ok, i sent you a request
What a coincidence, we have the same birthday as well : ^ )
awesome, shit posting commenced
Will give everyone the update tonight or tomorrow when I get home & have time... but we got kicked out of muh free speech rally for carrying " diversity is code word for white genocide" signs by the (((oath keepers & DHS cops)))...
Yea and that is why I left the (((Fag Keepers))).
Fuck them.
Shit I know where my local (((Fag Keeper))) chapter is operating out of.
Yeah guessed there might be cucks so watch out
Getting ready to hang a massive "the jews did 911" banner on a freeway overpass with some DS goyim