Message from @C1PHER

Discord ID: 579820021807710208

2019-05-19 19:04:01 UTC  

Also the website that made this didn't defined viability, but since we know the youngest pre-mature is 21 weeks we'll use that. So according to that map 8 states are around that and 42 need to catch up

2019-05-19 20:24:45 UTC  

Every pro-abortion argument ends with "because I want it"

2019-05-19 20:25:53 UTC  

"I don't like your rules on this highly nuanced and complicated topic, therefore if I take your rules to their logical conclusion, it ends in absurdity, so I win even though my rules taken to their absurd conclusion means 50 million dead fetuses."

2019-05-19 20:31:09 UTC

2019-05-19 20:38:57 UTC

2019-05-19 20:39:26 UTC

2019-05-19 20:43:59 UTC  

Pretty sure that's fake, @micamike45.

2019-05-19 20:47:41 UTC  

Yes the Trump tweet is fake, I don't think anyone would think the whited out tweet is real

2019-05-19 20:48:18 UTC  

It's from his pro life tweet earlier

2019-05-19 20:54:44 UTC  

Ah, that would explain the weird alignment. 😂
The second image isn't loading btw.

2019-05-19 21:42:48 UTC

2019-05-19 21:48:22 UTC

2019-05-19 22:02:34 UTC

2019-05-19 23:33:01 UTC

2019-05-19 23:34:54 UTC

2019-05-19 23:37:06 UTC  

But he FEELS like he's bad!

2019-05-19 23:37:18 UTC  

He SEEMS bad

2019-05-19 23:38:20 UTC  

Does he really not have a single talking point?

2019-05-19 23:40:41 UTC  


2019-05-19 23:49:38 UTC  

The funny thing is that people found the post because they didn't buy it, and apparently he's for real.

2019-05-19 23:57:45 UTC  

or extremely committed to a bit

2019-05-19 23:58:59 UTC  

could be a test to see if any denizens of r/Liberal can make solid arguments

2019-05-20 00:05:11 UTC  

kes0156 just call him something with "ist" on the end, that usually works for me

2019-05-20 00:06:41 UTC  

Do we have a link to the post?

2019-05-20 00:07:26 UTC

2019-05-20 00:11:12 UTC  

the one comment that hasn't been deleted by a mod is pretty weak as well

2019-05-20 00:23:51 UTC  

Apparently they slashed and burned the whole thread because 'it got brigaded by the donald'

2019-05-20 00:24:05 UTC  

Which seems pretty totalitarian to me, but meh.

2019-05-20 00:27:38 UTC  

I kinda like how the end of the remaining coment has the gall to end with the claim that for all those vague, unsourced horrible things that Trump has done, Hillary Clinton is as pure and innocent as the fresh driven snow.

2019-05-20 00:30:28 UTC  

The worst part is the advice to "make him disprove you instead of backing up your own claims"

2019-05-20 00:30:57 UTC  

But also didn't mention a single thing he's done as POTUS that would make him bad

2019-05-20 00:32:28 UTC  

"make him disprove that you don't like donald trump
checkmate, cuckservative"

2019-05-20 00:33:34 UTC  


2019-05-20 00:33:42 UTC  

You go first

2019-05-20 00:34:24 UTC  

i get my name mispronounced all the time. i give zero fucks

2019-05-20 00:38:05 UTC  

people get my name entirely wrong all the time

2019-05-20 00:38:29 UTC  

first and last

2019-05-20 00:38:31 UTC  

To be fair, the impression I got from the thread was 'Why is Donald Trump a bad person,' not why is he a bad president.

2019-05-20 00:39:52 UTC  

@Beemann is that because all the asians who took over your province don't know how to speak english?

2019-05-20 00:41:39 UTC  

Ive been to iceland, try driving there with the roadnames, its insane (i traveled there pre-gps days), literaly verifying names one letter at a time