Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 591085123332734987

2019-06-19 20:24:29 UTC  

I think

2019-06-19 20:27:06 UTC  

yeah his blog

2019-06-19 20:27:57 UTC  

Maybe that is it, @amlam. Maybe he learned history from Wolfenstein: The New Order, and thus thought it wasn't that hard to believe for people in the middle ages to make things like viruses, considering that Jews made power armor hundreds or thousands of years ago.

2019-06-19 20:49:20 UTC  

You just need to think outside the box

2019-06-19 20:53:10 UTC  

I love that picture.

2019-06-19 21:02:16 UTC  

Really makes you think

2019-06-19 21:02:20 UTC  


2019-06-19 21:03:14 UTC  

But he was telling (((us))) the TRUTH

2019-06-19 21:15:16 UTC  

What a conspiracy theory, to honestly think Israel is run by Jews, such unbelievably imaginative paranoia

2019-06-19 21:22:24 UTC  

He was definitely telling (((us))) that (((we))) are children of (((Israel)))

2019-06-19 21:22:43 UTC  

((((((((All of us)))))))))

2019-06-19 21:47:38 UTC

2019-06-19 21:48:37 UTC  

lauren vult

2019-06-19 21:54:41 UTC  

@Big T
¿Bodhi's being a faggot off platform? Color me shocked. (And y'all wonder why I just blocked his ass.)
I'm the only kike here, and don't you forget it. And the only faggot. (Oh, that reminds me, I gotta pm Legalize about that...)
Wow Jews in Isræl, fuck me, ¿are there Indians in India too?

2019-06-19 22:05:52 UTC  

THERE ARE INDIANS IN INDIA!?! Holy shit this changes everything

2019-06-20 00:44:54 UTC  

Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?

2019-06-20 01:41:48 UTC  

John Watson PAUL did a video about that.

2019-06-20 01:55:41 UTC  

True story.

2019-06-20 01:59:32 UTC  

>be California
>defy the President
>fly the Pride flag on the Capitol building
>claim inclusion for all
>already has Old Glory; the only flag needed
>bitches regardless
>never feels satisfied with what they have because it's given for free and not worked hard for
>falls into pit of despair of nihilism
>civil war 2

2019-06-20 02:01:15 UTC  

... Kinda, ya.

2019-06-20 02:05:38 UTC  

@C1PHER i actually searched out the book that has that in it to verify it was real or not.

2019-06-20 02:08:53 UTC  

Physical or PDF?

2019-06-20 02:11:59 UTC  

He obviously has the physical copy

2019-06-20 02:12:09 UTC  


2019-06-20 02:12:37 UTC  

lol @scaevola i aint that big of a nerd

2019-06-20 02:13:28 UTC  

there you go

2019-06-20 02:13:44 UTC  

page 7

2019-06-20 02:14:25 UTC  

I have the physical copy of one of the core books

2019-06-20 02:14:39 UTC  

Got Mongoose Traveller 1e with me right now

2019-06-20 02:14:45 UTC  

it was an expansion. neo tribes

2019-06-20 02:14:46 UTC  


2019-06-20 02:14:51 UTC  

Ah I see

2019-06-20 02:14:58 UTC  

circa 1995. i linked it

2019-06-20 02:15:06 UTC  

page 7

2019-06-20 02:15:24 UTC  

Oh the trove

2019-06-20 02:15:26 UTC  


2019-06-20 02:15:40 UTC  

I'm surprised it hasn't been yeeted. It's so useful

2019-06-20 02:15:51 UTC  

lol right?

2019-06-20 02:16:26 UTC  

I buy books but I have friends who can't/won't so it's good for that