Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 599103095749738523

2019-07-12 01:07:03 UTC  

..... or you think the channel is free enough that a NSFW channel is redundant

2019-07-12 01:07:08 UTC  

Thank God.

2019-07-12 01:25:13 UTC  

the faggotry here is nauseating

2019-07-12 01:28:29 UTC  

@Deleted User You have watched the show haven't you? It's chucked full of faggotry for laughs.

2019-07-12 01:29:16 UTC  

Why does all this LARPing go on in the Pictures channel? I want to see funny memes and screenshots not uncle Addie stuff.

2019-07-12 01:32:20 UTC

2019-07-12 01:35:02 UTC  


2019-07-12 01:41:36 UTC  

We sang songs, held hands and shared our feelings.

2019-07-12 01:45:39 UTC  

@Deleted User You cannot affect this server gypsy, it is protected from your magic and underhanded trickery!

2019-07-12 01:48:03 UTC  

@Railingo where was that?

2019-07-12 01:48:12 UTC  

Like. What state

2019-07-12 01:49:22 UTC  


2019-07-12 01:50:01 UTC  

Oh. Ok

2019-07-12 01:50:04 UTC  

Nice, a good friend lives in Muskegon

2019-07-12 04:40:04 UTC

2019-07-12 04:45:04 UTC  

@Deleted User
*"@Salacious Swanky Cat
>implying words on a screen effect my emotions"*
Your words reflect your mind. We're only reading the book you opened, bro.
Honestly, I thought you were the one who's push me to break my 1Ø year old taboo. Everyone hates you, nobody respects you, those of us who haven't blocked you are only doing so because you're amusing, the local village idiot sperging out on mindless shitposting.
But we're kinda getting tired of the spam.

2019-07-12 04:45:53 UTC  

Now, back to *pictures:*

2019-07-12 04:47:44 UTC  

"Choo choo motherfucker!"

2019-07-12 05:00:42 UTC  

>Everyone hates you,
HAHAHAH SEETHING stay mad ass sniffing faggot

2019-07-12 05:01:40 UTC  

I can see the hate flowing you through you you brainless monkey and I relish it

2019-07-12 05:01:48 UTC  
2019-07-12 05:02:00 UTC  

Now back to licking taint you homo faggot

2019-07-12 05:03:06 UTC  

smoke chode chump and post pics

2019-07-12 05:03:16 UTC  

It's the best day ever!

2019-07-12 05:07:56 UTC  

@Deleted User
*"(H)omo faggot"*
Compliments will get you nowhere with me.
Try Travis, he seems to like getting his cocksucked.

2019-07-12 05:08:08 UTC  

@Deleted User are you payed to make white nationalists look retarded? And don't contest the WN accusation. You have a fucking black sun and plague doctor as your pic.

2019-07-12 05:09:27 UTC  

@Goose wtf do you think a plague doctor has to do with WN you fucking donkey

2019-07-12 05:10:04 UTC  

Only that I've seen the imagery employed by other WNs, but you didn't answer the question you jackass

2019-07-12 05:10:27 UTC  

HAHAHAH show me where a WN org ever usd a plague doctor

2019-07-12 05:10:34 UTC  

holy fuck you are cringy stupid

2019-07-12 05:10:45 UTC  

Patrick Siegeman's stream on Youtube

2019-07-12 05:11:14 UTC  

Is this one of those milk wn symbols?

2019-07-12 05:11:15 UTC  

And you haven't addressed the black sun

2019-07-12 05:11:31 UTC  

You have no idea what this symbol means and are too stupid to understand anyway

2019-07-12 05:11:45 UTC  

just stfu you fucking snatch face moron

2019-07-12 05:12:08 UTC  

post this source of the plague doctor so I can have hours of fun talking about how stupid you are

2019-07-12 05:12:14 UTC  

Hey @Deleted User. Your five minutes were up several hours ago.

2019-07-12 05:12:34 UTC  

Thing is, I'm a white nationalist, but you're so profoundly combative with literally everyone while living & breathing cringe that I'm becoming increasingly convinced that you're enlisted to do this.

2019-07-12 05:12:36 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz No one puts baby in a corner faggot

2019-07-12 05:13:29 UTC  

>living & breathing cringe
Got your APEX projection game sure you're not a jew?