Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 616829556757626891

2019-08-30 00:17:05 UTC

2019-08-30 00:17:44 UTC

2019-08-30 00:19:22 UTC  

Dusk devs are huge shitposters. I would actually expect this sort of post from them whether or not this is an edit

2019-08-30 00:31:47 UTC

2019-08-30 01:07:09 UTC  

the good dope days

2019-08-30 01:15:44 UTC

2019-08-30 01:16:22 UTC

2019-08-30 01:36:54 UTC

2019-08-30 01:40:29 UTC

2019-08-30 01:45:52 UTC

2019-08-30 02:24:10 UTC  

Um. Gross.

2019-08-30 02:47:35 UTC  

how long

2019-08-30 02:47:39 UTC  

is that guy's tongue

2019-08-30 02:47:48 UTC  

Either that or he has a hole in the roof of his mouth

2019-08-30 03:00:26 UTC  

who knows?

2019-08-30 03:04:24 UTC  


2019-08-30 03:04:30 UTC  

Or cares, on that point

2019-08-30 03:18:08 UTC  

That is the scariest cleft palate I have ever seen

2019-08-30 03:40:00 UTC  

Absolutely __Disgusting__

2019-08-30 03:48:53 UTC  

Might come in handy when you have a cold.. lol

2019-08-30 05:28:26 UTC  

Maybe if he’s good his next roll will be better. Reincarnation and all that.

2019-08-30 06:32:37 UTC  

ethiopian food gives you an ethiopian belly

2019-08-30 07:08:34 UTC  

@Clive no, only banned from the news subreddit for a muslim pork joke and from Askreddit for something probably equally retarded.

I moderate one of the top subreddits, they have to love me, like Dr Phil loves his Down Syndrome wife.

2019-08-30 07:43:01 UTC

2019-08-30 07:48:45 UTC  

I legit know nothing about it, I just saw this in a different meme channel and seemed like the kinda thing ppl here would have a chuckle at

2019-08-30 07:57:51 UTC  

oh yea the bilderberg group exists, so does the trilateral commission. most of what alex jones rants about exists, but proving with hard evidence that theres something grander than just the pieces isnt possible.

2019-08-30 07:58:17 UTC  
2019-08-30 07:58:58 UTC  

even have their own websites lol

2019-08-30 08:06:25 UTC  


2019-08-30 08:06:33 UTC  

ive known about this stuff for a while

2019-08-30 08:08:47 UTC
where they planned the EU 3 years before its founding

2019-08-30 08:28:39 UTC  

This même particularly disgusts me, because Occupy Democrats DIDN’T make it.
While this sounds a lot like the sort of thing they’d say, they didn’t.
It’s infuriating because making fake claims like this is the sort of thing LEFTISTS do; Those of us living in the real world can not use even a petty “joke” like this. We end up cleaning the mess up instead.

2019-08-30 12:01:42 UTC  

It's not ok to be white in case you didn't know

2019-08-30 12:02:15 UTC  

Speaking of Reddit bands, which @pokemon_fetish made me think of, one that I'm particularly miffed about is that I got banned from the nintendo sub, because I told someone to eat shit and die. I told him that because some how his warped mind had twisted itself in such a way that he thought it was cool to call me an entitled bitch for saying that developers deserve to be paid for porting old games to new hardware, rather than just pirating them. I don't understand that one, but whatever.

I've thought about asking to be unbanned, because it's an all right subreddit, but fuck if I'm going to humble myself before the power hungry janitors that reddit mods amount to.