Message from @Chet Nick

Discord ID: 647847389717069825

2019-11-23 17:10:50 UTC  

It's really not.

2019-11-23 17:11:06 UTC  

You're just going to keep embarassing yourself.

2019-11-23 17:11:29 UTC  

You know, when I was in college, like, 10 years ago, we weren't allowed to cite Wikipedia, since it's retarded.

2019-11-23 17:11:39 UTC  

...and lazy.

2019-11-23 17:11:49 UTC  

>10 years

2019-11-23 17:11:58 UTC  

Ok boomer.

2019-11-23 17:12:04 UTC  

I'll say it's true that's where historically the right and left were at but it doesn't apply to modern day left and right

I've actually done a lot of research into this and looked up several sources on what they consider left and right to be

While also asking around several types of ideology people

From what I can tell, the most common description of "left" describes collectivism while the "right" describes individualism
From a modern perspective

2019-11-23 17:12:31 UTC  

A """bad""" source is still 6 million times better than you mindlessly parroting jews.

2019-11-23 17:12:49 UTC  

Lol. No.

2019-11-23 17:12:55 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:13:01 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:13:01 UTC  

You're the Socialist. @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

2019-11-23 17:13:07 UTC  

Lol. Nope.

2019-11-23 17:13:12 UTC  

Your views on left and right are an exception, not the rule

2019-11-23 17:13:19 UTC  

Jews invented your ideology. @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

2019-11-23 17:13:19 UTC  

Lol. Nope.

2019-11-23 17:13:25 UTC  

Lol. Nope.

2019-11-23 17:13:47 UTC  

Would love a sauce on any of those retarded assertions.

2019-11-23 17:13:56 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:14:07 UTC  

Lol. Fucking boomers...

2019-11-23 17:14:14 UTC  

Tomato, or Zyklon-B?

2019-11-23 17:14:25 UTC  

The fact that you are the sole person arguing that literally everyone else is wrong and only you stand solely as correct I think should be pretty strong evidence the modern conception of left and right has changed over time

2019-11-23 17:14:45 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
Except... that's not what's happening.

2019-11-23 17:14:50 UTC  

Like a ramp.

2019-11-23 17:15:30 UTC  

It's not "literally everyone". It's two Shabbos goys who have never read any political philosophy.

2019-11-23 17:15:37 UTC  

Show us another source, that isn't anti-semitic, which is a modern day reference, which describes the right as authoritarians

2019-11-23 17:15:54 UTC  

Lol. I just did.

2019-11-23 17:16:07 UTC  

My original source.

2019-11-23 17:17:10 UTC  

>not anti-semitic
What a retarded, arbitrary standard.

2019-11-23 17:17:40 UTC  

I declare all of the sources I asked for must be not philosemitic.

2019-11-23 17:18:19 UTC  

Here, let me use an example from someone who was classically on the Left: Bertrand Russell argued that there were Facts, Truth, and Beliefs; each was made up of portions of the other two. The difference between Facts and Truth is that Truth is different based on PERSPECTIVE, since different perspectives have access to different facts, i.e. two men standing on the opposite sides of a river, describing what is on the other side.

2019-11-23 17:18:51 UTC  

Cool. Your example has zero to do with anything.

2019-11-23 17:19:24 UTC  

Both see a man standing by a river; one sees a forest him, the other sees a city behind him. Neither one is lying.

2019-11-23 17:19:40 UTC  

The only source I saw was the one referencing how it was described in the 1700's
"Left and right was this hundreds of years ago so obviously that's what we should be going on in 2019" is a really weak argument

I mean, it would be stronger if majority opinion agreed with you
When 90% of the population no longer describes left and right that way in the modern era, I would say it's safe to say the meaning has changed

2019-11-23 17:19:46 UTC  

You're going to have to think for once. @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

2019-11-23 17:20:25 UTC  

> When 90% of the population no longer describes left and right that way in the modern era, I would say it's safe to say the meaning has changed

2019-11-23 17:20:26 UTC  

Hell, if were going off that then no one is on the right unless they are 100% monarchist
If we really want to be purist about this

2019-11-23 17:21:01 UTC  

@Chet Nick
Think about your incoherent gibberish? Done. It has literally nothing to do with anything.

2019-11-23 17:21:12 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
Lol. Nope.

2019-11-23 17:21:47 UTC  

You're operating based on beliefs, and appealing to limited Facts which suit them, but ignoring the Truth of the contemporary world. @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

2019-11-23 17:22:00 UTC  

@Chet Nick
Lol. Nope.