Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 476822628351606805

2018-08-06 00:51:50 UTC  

Idk, maybe selling his Chia Pet stock. His neckbeard makes him look like one

2018-08-06 03:04:01 UTC  

tonight's interview

2018-08-07 00:19:20 UTC  

the comments just make this post

2018-08-07 01:01:08 UTC  

alright guys, discuss.

2018-08-07 01:49:50 UTC  

not even trying to hide it anymore

2018-08-07 04:47:39 UTC  

You want to convince him globalist turn the world? Ban him on all platforms in 12 hours.

2018-08-07 12:29:51 UTC  

Fucking dumpster fire. This whole planet.

2018-08-07 12:36:31 UTC  

Is it too late to sign up to go to Mars?

2018-08-07 12:53:39 UTC  

You mean on Mars One? The group that thought we could send robots to Mars to build a habitat that would be inhabited by humans in 2024? I don't think it would ever be too late to sign up for that, because it will never go anywhere.

2018-08-07 13:13:31 UTC  

But I need off this planet

2018-08-07 14:51:53 UTC  

There is probably an eject leaver round here somewhere.

2018-08-08 18:38:52 UTC  

he's right. if they want to act like a publisher, then they must lose their safe harbour provision protections.

2018-08-08 18:40:50 UTC  

but since the cost of fullscale censorship and editorializing would tank the the companies and cause a mass exodus, they will change their ways back to being a platform and not a publisher

2018-08-08 18:42:04 UTC  

I just got done talking about this

2018-08-08 18:42:53 UTC  

not only that, losing their safe harbour provisions opens them a world of litigation for libel and slander, ect.

2018-08-08 18:43:19 UTC  

@J Edgar where?

2018-08-08 18:46:16 UTC  

Tomorrow's video was on the topic...why facebook is losing money, and how the people can put the screws to private companies without getting the government involved

2018-08-08 18:46:46 UTC  

or is....I don't know how I should tense that

2018-08-09 01:54:26 UTC

Here is the remake for everyone
@Matt Christiansen

2018-08-10 03:03:55 UTC  

"False speech" is not protected by the 1st? How fuckin Orwellian is that? The Young Turds shouldn't open their filthy mouths if there is any standard with these assholes

2018-08-11 02:35:57 UTC  

Seeing that really pissed me off.

2018-08-11 02:36:11 UTC  

Especially since he uses that account to talk about his show.

2018-08-11 02:36:26 UTC  

I've already migrated things to alt tech

2018-08-11 02:36:39 UTC  

the Alex Jones thing was the kick in the pants I needed

2018-08-11 02:44:26 UTC  

Well I found the DNC plan to winning the 2018 mid-terms.

2018-08-11 02:44:47 UTC  

Better than banning guns, at least.

2018-08-11 02:55:18 UTC  

I mean, they lost because of Russian bots on Twitter

2018-08-11 02:55:52 UTC  

This whole time, Gavin was a Russian bot.

2018-08-11 02:56:07 UTC  

We're all Russian bots

2018-08-11 02:56:20 UTC  
