Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 511645742352564226

2018-11-12 00:24:12 UTC  

@grant I can’t stand that crap. If everyone who called themselves and environmentalist bought an electric car, then the pipeline itself may not even be necessary. The problem is that they don’t put their money where their mouth is.

2018-11-12 03:16:23 UTC  

In regards, to the second amendment. this is one of my favorite pieces written:

2018-11-12 05:21:48 UTC  

At least some people don't feel a need to crap on things, just because it doesn't interest them.

2018-11-12 06:34:10 UTC  
2018-11-12 06:43:37 UTC  


2018-11-12 06:45:55 UTC  

How the FUCK is this kid still awaiting trial?

2018-11-12 07:17:22 UTC  

Theyre grooming him to be a born again leftist

2018-11-12 07:17:57 UTC  

A changed man. He has seen the light, and it was a rainbow

2018-11-12 16:24:27 UTC  

I bet they'll ghost write a kids book in his name, because you don't actually have to show a hint of regret about what you did to be redeemed, you just have to make vague pronouncements about reform.

2018-11-12 17:09:47 UTC  

I love the fact that he registered as a republican....I bet if he'd registered the other way, that story would never have hit the press

2018-11-12 17:39:30 UTC  

U.S. plans new limits on heavy-duty truck emissions

2018-11-12 17:43:09 UTC  

That second Paragraph. California also wants Nationwide rules. Just like everything else, and this who stupid senate popular vote bullshit. California wants to impose their will on the country

2018-11-12 18:55:04 UTC  

@J Edgar I agree. I personally will buy an electric vehicle soon, but I don’t want to force people to do it. EVs need to be sold on their own merit.

2018-11-12 19:45:42 UTC  

I'm so tired of hearing the phrase 'popular vote'

2018-11-12 19:46:47 UTC  

I've also come to take any unironic suggestion that the senate ought to take population into account as a sign that the person that said it is a window licking moron.

2018-11-12 20:26:22 UTC  

Right, if you want more senate representation, disperse

2018-11-12 20:58:12 UTC  

1.7 million people living in an area roughly twice the size of DC. Practically all Muslims.

2018-11-12 20:59:01 UTC  

No birth control either. Total fertility rate ~4 children/woman. This will only get worse.

2018-11-12 21:01:05 UTC  

idk....Its been a mess for decades......likely to be a mess for decades more

2018-11-12 21:13:17 UTC  
2018-11-12 21:49:04 UTC  

So you know my comment about window licking morons? I just had my fill of the person that inspired that comment.

I explained why the senate isn't population based by saying that it represents the states as equal wholes, and because without it existing as it does, there never would have been a country in the first place.

To my shock, the guy responded by going full authoritarian, saying in effect, "Yeah, but that doesn't matter anymore, the small states can't secede anymore, so fuck them."

2018-11-12 21:50:05 UTC  

He is really saying states don't matter

2018-11-12 21:52:28 UTC  


2018-11-12 21:53:07 UTC  

I wanted to ask why have a senate at all, but after getting that reply I just didn't want to talk to him anymore.

2018-11-12 21:59:52 UTC  

Should repeal the 19th

2018-11-12 22:00:13 UTC  

Or whatever amendment it was that changed the senate from legislature vote to popular vote

2018-11-12 22:05:16 UTC  

@wolfman1911 what a retard. I hope all of them make good on their ‘threat’ to move to Canada.

2018-11-12 22:09:57 UTC  

I think I mentioned that @Deleted User. If not, I meant to.

2018-11-12 22:43:54 UTC  

@wolfman1911 strange amendment if there was one, discounting prohibition of course

2018-11-12 22:44:14 UTC  

It was still a democratic vote, just an indirect vote

2018-11-12 22:44:27 UTC  

Shows these cunts have been on the move for decades if not centuries

2018-11-12 23:06:06 UTC  

I see the merit to the 17th amendment being repealed. It would definitely get people more interested in local politics

2018-11-12 23:06:37 UTC  

If your assembly is tasked with appointing a senator, you'll be more concerned with who's in it

2018-11-12 23:08:06 UTC  

I think it should be amended to let the states decide how they want to appoint senators. We will see in a hurry which methods work and which ones don't. Some states will maintain the popular electorate, some will have appointment only.

2018-11-12 23:42:26 UTC  
