Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 519881150533992450

2018-12-05 13:03:21 UTC  

Lawmaker aims to get citizenship question removed from U.S. census

2018-12-05 13:04:17 UTC  

Holy crap. The Democrats pretty much admit that they use immigrants to bolster their power in Congress. The government is for the citizens, not the immigrants.

2018-12-05 13:12:50 UTC  

of course it's California

2018-12-05 13:14:51 UTC  

Well, yeah. However, it’s difficult to prove whether or not illegals are participating in national elections. This article shows definitive proof that the Democrats are using immigrant numbers to gain power.

2018-12-05 13:17:28 UTC  

Dominican-American? Doesn't the fact that he is an illegal not make him American?

2018-12-05 13:17:33 UTC  

my point was is that's not really all that surprising that they're trying to pull that shit - I guess they're just getting bolder about it

2018-12-05 13:24:27 UTC  

The only thing badass about that chick is her first name

2018-12-05 13:30:19 UTC  

I read the 'badass' article - didn't see how they're "an antidote to Trump"

2018-12-05 13:35:33 UTC  

Because they are women duh

2018-12-05 13:56:40 UTC  

What are they going to do? Nag him out of office?

2018-12-05 14:06:52 UTC  


2018-12-05 14:07:07 UTC  

And try shitty new recipes

2018-12-05 14:09:43 UTC  

Like ‘socialism-will-work-this-time soufflé’

2018-12-05 14:16:51 UTC  


2018-12-05 14:18:48 UTC  

Please clap

2018-12-05 14:20:02 UTC  

If anyone starts talking by saying: As a Blank. or I'm a Blank, if you put race or sex in that space, you are playing identity politics (would be cool if some in this sever stopped doing that, but oh well). So how did "I'm a women" work for Hillary?

2018-12-05 14:20:45 UTC  

As an annoyed person, I agree ☝️

2018-12-05 14:21:42 UTC  

as an American, I think we need commonsense gun control 😝

2018-12-05 14:22:05 UTC  

Go rot agent socialist. Lol

2018-12-05 14:23:11 UTC  

"Jeremy Teigen, a Ramapo College of New Jersey political scientist, said this year’s winners were the ideal foil to Trump, a president who obtained multiple military draft deferrals during the Vietnam War, questioned the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies and made lewd comments about women."
He WON, how is this a foil..........

2018-12-05 14:24:25 UTC  

good thing I'm not American though

2018-12-05 14:26:58 UTC  

And “What’s the antidote to a guy who is a potential draft dodger and misogynist?"
I really hate anyone but even more so when women bring up draft dodging (so we should be obligated to die?) As that's all women are as a whole, because they didn't get drafted......

2018-12-05 14:28:32 UTC  

Common Sense Gun Control = it's a right, so fuck off
Seems rather sensible and common to me 👌

2018-12-05 14:30:25 UTC  

incase you haven't seen it here from me, I think you're all blessed to have the 2A and wish we had it too

2018-12-05 14:32:38 UTC  


2018-12-05 14:32:46 UTC  

I need to buy myself a gun. I don’t own one yet.

2018-12-05 14:33:32 UTC  

I need to get my financial shit in a pile so I can collect some ww2 weaponry and hide it from the gun grabblers :^)

2018-12-05 16:57:37 UTC  

Considering Hollywood loves making villains who are white and listen to classical music (basically elites like themselves, who they pretend they are against), I'd say they should write a hit piece on them too

2018-12-05 17:17:13 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn SteelandSouls posted that the other day, did you miss we were posting silly songs after? heh

2018-12-05 17:28:34 UTC  

>French and rednecks are people of colour

2018-12-05 17:30:37 UTC  

Oh no I did miss it :(

2018-12-05 17:31:18 UTC  

I also missed it, so it's okay

2018-12-05 18:42:49 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn They aren't that far up in the video links, you can go see, add some more if you want, we need more fun stuff!

2018-12-05 19:55:57 UTC  
2018-12-05 19:56:54 UTC  

A disgrace to her famireeeee!

2018-12-05 19:57:48 UTC  


2018-12-05 20:10:28 UTC  

Get at it old guy.