Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 531356807470383124

2019-01-06 06:10:46 UTC  

oh, and @amlam, if those holes are above the waterline, they don't leak

2019-01-06 06:10:53 UTC  

You would have to have a government restricted for it to work. No special favors just deciding where the money goes

2019-01-06 06:10:55 UTC  

honestly we need to get all money out of politics...but that is a pipe dream

2019-01-06 06:11:22 UTC  

When politicians spend money, there will be money in politics

2019-01-06 06:11:37 UTC  

I don't really have a problem with money in politics.

2019-01-06 06:11:51 UTC  

For me it depends where the money comes from.

2019-01-06 06:12:51 UTC  

I find it hard to square the idea that a welfare recipient and a guy who paid 500 grand in taxes get exactly the same vote though. I don’t know what to do about it but that seems retarded

2019-01-06 06:12:52 UTC  

also, most people who would be net taxpayers also think about caring for their dependents so they won't be as cold blooded as feminists think the patriarchy is

2019-01-06 06:13:18 UTC  

I mean it also seems stupid that people with much higher IQs don’t get more of a vote but that’s racist of me to say

2019-01-06 06:14:15 UTC  
2019-01-06 06:14:36 UTC  

Actually, this gets brought up every year and there's always a new crop of kids to flake out on Twitter about it.

2019-01-06 06:14:47 UTC  

That’s fucking hilarious

2019-01-06 06:15:11 UTC  

Taking hippy money and giving it to The Man!

2019-01-06 06:15:35 UTC  

This is why I only eat chik-fil-a

2019-01-06 06:15:44 UTC  

And drink Yuengling

2019-01-06 06:16:14 UTC  

the dude is a multi-billionaire. it's not like it has to come from ticket sales

2019-01-06 06:16:24 UTC  


2019-01-06 06:16:29 UTC  

heh i know, was just playing

2019-01-06 06:17:46 UTC  

it will will of course trigger the shit out of hippies that don't understand how money works

2019-01-06 06:19:57 UTC  

the article said it's coming out of his personal money

2019-01-06 06:22:15 UTC  

@amlam - 1 vote per net taxpayer is enough or as mentioned elsewhere, votes get too skewed by the rich and powerful

2019-01-06 06:33:36 UTC  

@amlam So, its also kind of a retarded system that we have such poor people in our country with all the wealth we have (just making a point). The problem is how we go about changing these things, you can't just punish the rich for being successful, and reward all of the less fortunate as that will make everything worst. So our system is to give people as much freedom as we can allow (while "trying" to have limited safety systems for the worst off).

So to add this to voting, if you make a persons vote matter more because of their wealth or IQ, you are making an unequal system, which is always flawed as a persons life shouldn't just be valued on money and intelligence.
So what we have is a even playing field (not always), so everyone has an equal CHANCE at being heard. If you take that way, people on the bottom start to make the system unstable. And for the crazy leftist, who thinks this system is also flawed because it just give the rich more power, as they can spend more to be heard, its true. But they are still following the same rules we all do using their freedom. Just because someone has more money doesn't mean he gets to speak more or less (till they start to shut people out of this process).

2019-01-06 06:56:06 UTC  

I’m not opposed to 1-vote-per-net-taxpayer in theory but I feel it’s execution could potentially make things worse. Would you be presented a *voucher* to vote upon completion of your income taxes and/or expand the IRS to have agents at polling stations background checking potential voters. Also, there’s plenty of ‘net positive income taxpayers’ who don’t vote and all net ‘negative income taxpayers’ still pay taxes in one form or another. Would we have to implement a system that takes into account and tabulates ones sales tax, property tax, whatever-the-fuck tax? Do you really want the IRS or some other gov't agency involved in elections at all? Because that’s what we’d be asking for.

2019-01-06 07:01:45 UTC  

Well, people pay their taxes in April and vote in November, right? so yeah, it would get put in their voter registration files and 6-7 months is plenty of time. The alternative would be no votes at all for women

2019-01-06 07:05:29 UTC  

sales is a state tax thing and not all states have it

2019-01-06 07:06:17 UTC  

you can be a renter and be a net tax payer too

2019-01-06 07:07:12 UTC  

stupid college kids won't be able to vote unless their taxes are sufficient too

2019-01-06 07:07:41 UTC  

I've never been a fan of people who want to change something going: You have to agree with these new ideas (or even old ideas) we want, or we will take your vote away.

2019-01-06 07:09:34 UTC  

we'll all lose our vote anyway when the state collapses under it's own weight

2019-01-06 07:10:58 UTC  

Life/society is always at risk, doesn't make giving people poor options, making them better.

2019-01-06 07:14:10 UTC  

those are the only 2 options I can see that won't cause a societal collapse and how much would a vote in a communist state be worth

2019-01-06 07:14:43 UTC  

fair point

2019-01-06 07:15:10 UTC  

I see many more options, but that can always be argued.

2019-01-06 07:16:18 UTC  

then shoot. haven't really heard from you what alternatives there are

2019-01-06 07:17:53 UTC  

I could lay out many different things, but does that mean i know whats best? No.

2019-01-06 07:26:55 UTC  

What i do know, is that proposing people either agree with you, or lose their votes. Is not something enough people will agree with to get passed. It can't include taking away peoples vote, or making a tier voting system (outside of legal and illegal citizens).

2019-01-06 10:09:40 UTC  

Service Guarantees Citizenship = prime system tbh fam

2019-01-06 10:51:19 UTC  

It might be a good system, i'm not sure its the best tho.

2019-01-06 17:48:51 UTC  

I’m sure Shaun King will be updating the writing he has done on the story

2019-01-06 18:24:08 UTC  

Maybe Mr. Black will identify as white?