Message from @C1PHER

Discord ID: 559013223207272459

2019-03-23 02:23:41 UTC  

Always use CNN.
Dey da bomb. Insh’allah

2019-03-23 03:04:19 UTC  

So now that the Müller report is toast

2019-03-23 03:04:38 UTC  

Will MSM outlets be kicked off of social media for pushing a conspiracy theory à la Alex Jones?

2019-03-23 03:05:04 UTC  


2019-03-23 03:05:07 UTC  


2019-03-23 03:05:14 UTC  

They’ll move on to another “scandal”

2019-03-23 03:05:22 UTC  

I figured

2019-03-23 03:05:36 UTC  

But a man can dream that someday people will play by the rules they set themselves huh

2019-03-23 08:30:12 UTC  

of course they will the social media are nothing if not consistent...

2019-03-23 12:44:23 UTC  

Heaven forbid, they even did in text citations with full urls. They didn't even cite right, you can literally just list book, chapter and version to quote the Bible

2019-03-23 12:57:46 UTC  

Yeah. I don’t believe that article. The mainstream is fundamentally retarded on Christianity, but it’s not that bad.

2019-03-23 13:42:25 UTC  

Their own reply to that tweet: "I got my math wrong, but who cares"

2019-03-23 13:44:29 UTC  

Considering the number of people screenshotting that tweet, I'm surprised it isn't ratio-d

2019-03-23 13:54:52 UTC  

Yeah, that's pretty retarded

2019-03-23 13:55:10 UTC  

you can't even call yourself retarded under these rules

2019-03-23 13:55:54 UTC  

its only partnered for now but i wonder how long till they roll it out to verified and the rest

2019-03-23 13:58:58 UTC  

This is just generating a ton of pointless work for moderators

2019-03-23 14:04:40 UTC  

>for partner servers
Serves em right tbh. Why would you place yourself in the moderation spotlight?

2019-03-23 14:04:59 UTC  

Basically volunteering to get yeeted or be nofunallowed

2019-03-23 14:42:48 UTC  

I don't understand how partnered servers work

2019-03-23 14:59:35 UTC  

My understanding is
You reach X size
You become the official discord community for Y and get higher visibility

2019-03-23 14:59:41 UTC  

But there may be more to it than that

2019-03-23 14:59:50 UTC  

You'd have to apply for it, of course

2019-03-23 16:27:18 UTC  

The Singapore parliament can suspend rights if it is expedient to do so

2019-03-23 16:27:34 UTC  

They aren't rights at that point

2019-03-23 16:28:02 UTC  

I mean, what do you expect for a constitution with a Word table in it

2019-03-23 16:43:42 UTC  

I don't think that table is in the actual constitution

2019-03-23 16:47:22 UTC  

Thats honestly how most of them work

2019-03-23 16:48:03 UTC  

Free speech except (vague term to denote laundry list of potential (shitty) reasons to not have real free speech)

2019-03-23 16:48:42 UTC  

but not HATE speech

2019-03-23 16:50:29 UTC  

" . The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject **only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society**"

2019-03-23 16:50:37 UTC  

Emphasis mine

2019-03-23 16:51:18 UTC  


2019-03-23 16:51:41 UTC  

Always a great word to add to a law to make it meaningless

2019-03-23 16:51:41 UTC  


2019-03-23 16:53:02 UTC  

To be fair though, that's still 90% of the way to a proper constitution. We just need to remove the ability for the government to weasel out of the terms and add 2a