Message from @rushthezeppelin

Discord ID: 566051880569012244

2019-04-12 00:05:01 UTC  

He's the last person you want to celebrate

2019-04-12 00:05:09 UTC  

How so?

2019-04-12 00:05:12 UTC  

He's probably crazy now anyways

2019-04-12 00:05:29 UTC  

bit hyperbolic id celebrate him before clinton

2019-04-12 00:05:50 UTC  

So are Alex Jones and John McAfee and they're great

2019-04-12 00:05:50 UTC  

Naw, he was trash then and now

2019-04-12 00:06:09 UTC  

At least those two actually do useful things

2019-04-12 00:06:09 UTC  

least he doesn't have a mountain of skulls

2019-04-12 00:06:13 UTC  

You gonna defend a single point you make or just hop to the next one?

2019-04-12 00:06:25 UTC  

You know me better than that

2019-04-12 00:06:25 UTC  

Wikileaks is tremendously useful

2019-04-12 00:06:53 UTC  

I've always hated wikileaks

2019-04-12 00:06:57 UTC  

Tbqh he makes the best spy. The weird/crazy guy

2019-04-12 00:07:00 UTC  

wikileaks is apropaganda arm of the kremlin

2019-04-12 00:07:08 UTC  


2019-04-12 00:07:12 UTC  

I wasn't aware that preference modified utility

2019-04-12 00:07:28 UTC  

It's just Russian foreign policy

2019-04-12 00:07:30 UTC  

its utility is to sew discord

2019-04-12 00:07:37 UTC  

and is remarkably effective

2019-04-12 00:07:54 UTC  

You don't think government overreach sews discord in and of itself?

2019-04-12 00:08:05 UTC  

Wikileaks has spilled Russian state secrets too.....they are an equal opportunity leaker...

2019-04-12 00:08:16 UTC  

It seems remarkably convenient to shunt every critic under a Russian umbrella

2019-04-12 00:08:30 UTC  

Smells like failed presidential candidate in here

2019-04-12 00:09:05 UTC  

When did wikileaks become propaganda for Russia?

2019-04-12 00:09:16 UTC  

It's always been

2019-04-12 00:09:17 UTC  

When Hillary and the dems said it was....

2019-04-12 00:09:35 UTC  

Wikileaks is Russian to whoever doesn't like them of course

2019-04-12 00:09:42 UTC  

Seems so.

2019-04-12 00:09:44 UTC  

The Trump collusion narrative is a red herring to get the right to like Russia

2019-04-12 00:09:58 UTC  

And people fell for it

2019-04-12 00:10:08 UTC  

Yeah. And wikileaks leaking Bush admin stuff? Naw that was just to cover themselves lol

2019-04-12 00:10:38 UTC  

Well you know I don't want to hate the one nuclear force than can rival our own....seems silly to be completely adversarial to the one country that could actually compete with us on scorching the whole planet.

2019-04-12 00:10:45 UTC  

Russia wants to fuck over the right and left

2019-04-12 00:10:56 UTC  

They don't care about America

2019-04-12 00:11:14 UTC  

Here's the thing - knowing where your government fucked up is tremendously important when it comes to fixing it

2019-04-12 00:11:19 UTC  

@SpanishAbbey what happened since yesterday that the left and right now aren't a false dialectic? lol

2019-04-12 00:11:39 UTC  

And it worked. You have Americans hating their government and jerking off Russian agents like Ass Sausage and Snowden

2019-04-12 00:11:54 UTC  

Your tax dollars going towards silencing whistleblowers and killing journalists is only going to hurt you

2019-04-12 00:11:57 UTC  

I don't like or dislike wikileaks, but no one can assign its intentions to a government. Any person doing this is just foolish.

2019-04-12 00:12:16 UTC  

There were Americans hating their gov well before wikileaks came on board.....the whole country was founded on skepticism of overreaching government powers.

2019-04-12 00:12:18 UTC  

>love your government or you're a Russian lol
Sounds pretty 00s in here