Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 577641051129643008

2019-05-13 14:21:50 UTC  

Some features look neat or something?

2019-05-13 14:22:12 UTC  

Who cares if we mine the entire asteroid belt away

2019-05-13 14:23:11 UTC  

Nothing has been mined yet and the guardian is already calling for protecting stuff. What gives.

2019-05-13 14:25:59 UTC  

so he's planning to go on a nature hike on mars. How about when he can pay for his way there he can go there and protest.

2019-05-13 16:02:26 UTC  

Yep. Like I get it, space objects are cool and all, but asteroids? They're fucking giant mostly featureless rocks in space that will do nothing unti they crash into a larger object.

I'd much rather turn them into cool ships.

2019-05-13 16:49:52 UTC  

They are more concerned about a theoritical endless supply of minerals crashing global markets

2019-05-13 17:03:10 UTC  

Going post-scarcity is bad now?

2019-05-13 17:39:26 UTC  

But it isn’t post scarcity.

2019-05-13 17:40:10 UTC  

It still takes resources to get to the ore.

2019-05-13 17:49:47 UTC  

The biggest hurdle to space economy that j see is the psychological and physiological effect that space would have on the human body.

Once we get fusion power running efficiently I don't think it would be too far fetched to cheaply transport goods to and from the asteroid belt. Then space travel would become exponentially cheaper.

2019-05-13 18:01:31 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz, amongst other options (that already exist) are drone mining systems; There's at least 4 outfits competing to be the first to do exactly that.

2019-05-13 18:18:39 UTC  

its not post-scarcity because only minerals could theoretically be obtained. You'd have imbalance where mineral wealth plummets and other scarce items would increase since they'd be the long pole in manufacturing. i.e. labor (until automation), energy, and renewables. Take for example hammers, you could make the head of a hammer cheap as dirt but still need the wood for the handle, energy to process it and transport it, and the labor to assemble it, transport it, and sale it

2019-05-13 18:19:48 UTC  

that imbalance is a threat to current ruling systems, not that it matters to the common man, but it surely does to the elites

2019-05-13 18:31:43 UTC  

Fuck the elites. We can just drop asteroids on their homes! /s

2019-05-13 18:44:17 UTC  

The same mining that adds iron to the hammer adds other minerals for tree farms; It's a question of knowing how to mix them.

2019-05-13 18:47:21 UTC  

the issue isn't whether or not you like the elites, the issue will be how the elites legislate the potential to keep their positions secure.

2019-05-13 22:29:59 UTC  

Do I have to?

2019-05-13 22:30:52 UTC  

Oh good, I can't because I don't have an account

2019-05-13 22:31:40 UTC  

I feel dumber for having seen any of that. How dare you?

2019-05-14 00:03:05 UTC  

I don't think you necessarily have to be against free markets and think tariff's can be helpful.

2019-05-14 00:08:40 UTC  

I don't like Tariffs, but I'm okay with them being used as a tool to try and get other countries to open their markets, or to police anti-market behaviors (fraud and stealing).
I don't know if that is an effective strategy.

2019-05-14 00:18:14 UTC  

It is a risk.

2019-05-14 00:25:57 UTC  

FFS... they're going to fuck with Soph now

2019-05-14 00:29:29 UTC  

I'm kinda surprised they blurred her face.

2019-05-14 00:32:08 UTC  

I suppose she's a minor, but it's a publicly accessible video. Seems like blurring the face of a child actor in a movie

2019-05-14 01:01:02 UTC  

I figure most media types don't really care about the law unless they think they will face real consequences for their excesses. In this case they probably were afraid of getting dinged for exploiting a child if they showed her face.

2019-05-14 01:02:01 UTC  

Her parents need to give her permission to do a response video to this.

2019-05-14 01:05:04 UTC  

*"New by me:"* it like he wants it pinned to the fridge

2019-05-14 01:34:01 UTC  

They're just mad that Soph is a better journalist without trying than they will ever be.

2019-05-14 01:34:04 UTC  

Wow, think about that *VERY* carefully- BuzzFeed (¿BuzzFeed right, you can confirm they're behind this?) is attacking a 14 year old.
@DJ_Anuz, two chimpanzees with one hand tied around each other's 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 are better journalists than BuzzFeed... Setting the bar any lower requires removing it entirely and digging a hole... Er, trench...

2019-05-14 02:46:35 UTC  

I feel like Mr. Ratburn mentions a wife or girlfriend or something somewhere

2019-05-14 02:46:55 UTC  

But I also remember him talking about his mother a lot so...

2019-05-14 02:47:32 UTC  

Also gay chocloatier lol

2019-05-14 07:47:31 UTC  
2019-05-14 07:49:19 UTC  

Easy there friend...

2019-05-14 11:21:58 UTC  

lol "sewernuggets"