Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 615799158552395786

2019-08-27 03:13:18 UTC  

I remember Chernobyl. I remember watching Bugs Bunny when Ted KOPPEL (I think) cut in.
I trust y'all will understand why I'm hesitant to jump head first onto the nuclear bandwagon.

2019-08-27 03:28:11 UTC  

Nuclear denial is science denial

2019-08-27 03:30:27 UTC  

Chernobyl was 45 deaths, how many deaths are associated with coal?

2019-08-27 03:32:23 UTC  

And how much of the damage that actually happened at chernobyl was actually caused by the 'dangers' of nuclear instead of because they were cutting corners, and operating the reactor recklessly?

2019-08-27 03:32:24 UTC  

The us had 89 coal deaths the same year as chernobyl

2019-08-27 03:34:28 UTC  

And that is just mining deaths, norhing relates to coal plants, carbon impact, etc

2019-08-27 04:00:06 UTC  

*"Chernobyl was 45 deaths, how many deaths are associated with coal?"*
¿And how many cancers?
That's certainly fair. 😕
I'm not saying *¡HELL NO WE WONT SOMETHING-SOMETHING NUCLEAR SOMETHING! ¡ATICCA! ¡ATICCA!"* but I'm not going to let people pretend it's all flowers and lolipops and rainbows and glittery horse shit, either.

2019-08-27 04:17:47 UTC  

The whole idea of "hate crimes" is stupid. Does any reasonable person believe the motivation behind this attack was hate? Could the other charges not stand on their own?

2019-08-27 04:44:47 UTC  

Got to start committing love crimes.

2019-08-27 06:04:55 UTC  

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

2019-08-27 06:07:38 UTC  

was that medium article posted so we could see all the comments dragging the author?

2019-08-27 06:08:18 UTC  

Are you pointing to the cornell page because the faculty in that group are all lgbt activists?

2019-08-27 09:47:22 UTC  

how the hell are they going to get paid? is he telling us that he wants government-controlled media? maybe he wants a return to ussr-style propaganda... Its not like them being owned by corps has stopped them from being horrible pieces of shit full of propaganda, so I don't see how a difference would be made in the makeup of the news they publish

2019-08-27 10:33:16 UTC  

Yeah... Total failure. The goal definitely wasn't to get this exact result

2019-08-27 11:03:46 UTC  

who knew straight people were so oppressed 😟

2019-08-27 11:59:33 UTC  


2019-08-27 11:59:57 UTC  


2019-08-27 12:00:04 UTC  

yea the protesters won

2019-08-27 12:00:41 UTC  

strait people have never been oppressed the entire idea of 'strait pride' is dumb. the pride idea is because in the passed it wasn't possible

2019-08-27 12:01:55 UTC  

Why isn't it just as dumb to have LGBT pride? You are still being proud of something that you supposedly have no control over, and I've always been told that is stupid and pointless.

2019-08-27 12:06:27 UTC  

Then you've missed my point entirely. The goal of the straight pride parade wasn't to throw off their oppression, but to bait Big Gay into providing some good sound bytes and video clips to craft some propaganda out of. Now they can show how much they hate the straights.
All the protestors played themselves

2019-08-27 12:10:56 UTC  

Wolf man when in history were people oppressed for being strait

2019-08-27 12:11:03 UTC  

Or as another person put it "the only thing dumber than straight pride is everyone who's mad about it"

2019-08-27 12:11:58 UTC  

Homosexuality is a mental disorder. The oppression people with this condition experienced in the past is no different than how other mental disorders were treated.

2019-08-27 12:12:59 UTC  

oh boy

2019-08-27 12:13:02 UTC  

We’re still learning on how to handle mental disorders. I don’t think any significant progress will be made until we start learning how to treat these conditions better

2019-08-27 12:13:15 UTC  


2019-08-27 12:13:42 UTC  

do you think they have less value than those without these traits

2019-08-27 12:14:37 UTC  

*so what you're saying is...*

2019-08-27 12:14:41 UTC  

Maybe it will be possible to cure mental disorders by physically altering the brain. Lobotomies were ineffective in the past because they were crude and nobody really understood what they were cutting out.

2019-08-27 12:14:59 UTC  

why do we need to 'fix' them

2019-08-27 12:15:03 UTC  

@Deleted User no. Unlike you, I don’t think people with mental disorders have less value as humans.