Message from @Louis Carlos Fer

Discord ID: 628045229173374996

2019-09-29 18:32:13 UTC  

it's a disease

2019-09-29 18:32:33 UTC  

remember carlin saying the world would find a way to get rid of us when it needed to

2019-09-29 18:33:42 UTC  

the cycle of civilization leading to increased leftism that then destroys the civilization is like an immune response

2019-09-29 19:58:23 UTC  

When you think the propaganda network for the left wing party is right wing.

2019-09-29 20:00:06 UTC  

and I thought some progressives calling Bill Maher and calling CNN centralist or neutral was crazy

2019-09-29 20:05:46 UTC  

Its also kind of scary. When you think CNN believes all people on the right are inhuman and deserve to have their lives ruined, what does this person think should happen to people on the right? When you see it that way, is it really unbelievable that a communist country could kill a third of its own population?

2019-09-29 20:32:54 UTC  

Thinking you can mess with the Count is a grave mistake

2019-09-29 20:33:37 UTC  

why do people try to do serious twitter polls?

2019-09-29 20:38:04 UTC  

I bet he deletes the tweet by the time the poll ends

2019-09-29 20:38:37 UTC  


2019-09-29 20:39:04 UTC  

I don't get the sense they have principles

2019-09-29 21:09:48 UTC  

What are you talking about. I'm sure he'll look at the poll results and reevaluate his beliefs. 😆

2019-09-29 22:25:12 UTC  

Yeah, but my question is are we actually suggesting that the average labor supporter isn't more antisemitic than Dankula?

2019-09-29 22:57:50 UTC  

For the many not the Jew!

2019-09-29 23:02:39 UTC  

@wolfman1911 if you take note of the poll-takers name, you'll see that they're the only ones suggesting that

2019-09-29 23:17:21 UTC  

> JEREMY CLARKSON The world may be getting hotter, Greta Thunberg… but having a meltdown isn’t going to help

2019-09-30 01:47:31 UTC  

I hope she's right about them losing the house

2019-09-30 02:38:43 UTC  

That's stupid as hell.

2019-09-30 02:40:01 UTC  

There's no way that she's not blatantly pandering to the Retard Squad and their followers, because she's saying that impeaching Trump, even though it will be slapped down by the Senate, is worth it.

2019-09-30 02:40:12 UTC  

Even if it costs the Democrats the house.

2019-09-30 03:56:18 UTC  

These just have all the problems of left memes in comic form

2019-09-30 04:32:23 UTC  

they're awful and some even backfire

2019-09-30 04:49:29 UTC  

Could they rip off Stonetoss any harder?

2019-09-30 04:56:12 UTC  

*"(A)re we actually suggesting that... labor... isn't more antisemitic than Dankula?"*
No, the poll suggests quite the opposite.

I can not express how much I support Nancy
Thanks for suggesting I grab a copy of that screenie... 15-85 says a lot.

2019-09-30 05:30:46 UTC  

The left is like China when it comes to internet culture.

They take everything you love, and pump out massive amounts of shitty knock offs.

EG: comics, movies, memes, etc...

2019-09-30 06:49:17 UTC  

No, its worse. The left skin the thing you love and wear it as a skinsuit. Than they wear the skinsuit and try to defame you and ruin your life.

2019-09-30 11:14:16 UTC  

whoever drew that comic doesn't know what insurance is

2019-09-30 13:25:23 UTC  

Male streamers get harassed too. Women online tend to be a bunch of pussies on average.

2019-09-30 16:51:36 UTC  

fake noose confirmed