Message from @Black Cat

Discord ID: 634469264358768650

2019-10-17 13:51:11 UTC  

I think we have serious problems, but I like living in a country where I can actually get healthcare in less than 3 months for a potentially serious issue

2019-10-17 13:51:37 UTC  

and where I can choose to have potentially unhelpful treatments used to try to help me or my family, even if the government doesn't think it's worth the money

2019-10-17 14:48:40 UTC  

how are they sexing it and how are they coming to 720?

2019-10-17 15:17:22 UTC  

Kill that thing, you fools!

2019-10-17 15:23:06 UTC  

set it on fire

2019-10-17 15:50:24 UTC  

Thy symbiotes have arrived.

2019-10-17 16:55:21 UTC  
2019-10-17 16:56:46 UTC  

what a fucking joke

2019-10-17 16:58:44 UTC  


2019-10-17 17:00:12 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:29:38 UTC  

Matt: *"Joe BIDEN Takes A Swing At Healthcare As Supporters Call For Armed Invasion, Greta THUNBERG Takes A Pass On Science, Paris Zoo Creates Zombie Virus, Venezuelan Torture Cover-up At UN, And TRUMP Opens Home To Road Weary Travelers."*
Film at eleven.

2019-10-17 18:46:34 UTC  

Chicago Teachers are on strike......When was there last strike? 2018....

2019-10-17 18:47:53 UTC  

so I'm sure those kids in Chicago are just going to have amazing lives without that edumackshion thing...

2019-10-17 18:57:59 UTC  

BC had a similar problem

2019-10-17 19:14:20 UTC  

I sincerely hope that guy is serious

2019-10-17 19:14:33 UTC  

These big tech people need to be held accountable for their crap

2019-10-17 19:51:47 UTC  

Wait when they call him to the hearings doesn't he swear in? If so its already illegal to lie under oath.

2019-10-17 20:00:05 UTC  

#Sludge Report — Who Is Funding The Fossil Fuel Industry?

2019-10-17 20:00:16 UTC  

Environmentalist cancel culture

2019-10-17 20:00:31 UTC  

This is some sjw level insane crap

2019-10-17 20:09:55 UTC  

there's been ads on billboards around town here lately advertising a bank that doesn't lend to fossil fuel companies, because apparently that's something people care about

2019-10-17 20:11:03 UTC  

and yet that bank probably still has predatory practices in general anyway

2019-10-17 20:11:53 UTC  

my bank apparently laundered money for terrorists or some shit, I don't care as long as they keep my money were I left it and let me access it when I need it

2019-10-17 20:22:31 UTC  

Oh they have been after the banks for years

2019-10-17 23:00:08 UTC  

mexico definitely not sending their best

2019-10-17 23:14:55 UTC  

that I think happens a few times a year

2019-10-17 23:15:27 UTC  

something clogs/too much rain....(which is any)

2019-10-17 23:54:15 UTC  

That’s a ton of wastewater. Dang

2019-10-17 23:55:50 UTC  

simply a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of california's human poop problem

2019-10-17 23:55:59 UTC  


2019-10-17 23:57:43 UTC  

I mean. That amount is more than what many towns and cites treat per day

2019-10-18 00:02:31 UTC  

yeah but i'm also including the commies. because commies aren't people