Message from @Old Man Hound

Discord ID: 647939668360560660

2019-11-23 20:31:26 UTC  

First they lost a rigged election.
Then they lost a rigged investigation.
And now they’re going to lose a rigged impeachment.

2019-11-23 20:45:53 UTC  

I don't like any politician on principle but I'm actually rooting for Trump because of shit like this

2019-11-23 20:53:36 UTC  

And his recent statement about Epstein being "A perfect storm of errors".. He is protecting something

2019-11-23 20:57:37 UTC  

At first I thought that said Bill Burr

2019-11-23 21:11:13 UTC  

@FrostyCrits maybe he is protecting his "Early life and education"

2019-11-23 22:27:43 UTC  

Using those same numbers against their case, you could say a single city is using a quarter of all revenue INTENDED to be spent state-wide. Their argument ignores the difference between state and local taxes.

2019-11-23 23:07:54 UTC  

wait... is that what the whistleblower looks like?

2019-11-23 23:08:06 UTC  

is he 4'11?

2019-11-23 23:08:10 UTC  

that him

2019-11-23 23:08:27 UTC  

He looks like he weighs 90 lbs.

2019-11-23 23:08:39 UTC  

Like a middle schooler in his dad's suit.

2019-11-23 23:08:49 UTC  

little weasel

2019-11-23 23:09:38 UTC  

he's 3'19

2019-11-23 23:14:45 UTC  

@Black Cat I like Trump because the roaches of government and media are going crazy.

2019-11-23 23:19:00 UTC  

>sellout your country to Israel to own the libs.

2019-11-23 23:20:47 UTC  

Yeah, that's a shame.

2019-11-23 23:20:55 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy We will never get to taste those delicious bears again.

2019-11-23 23:24:58 UTC  

Koalas are degenerate.

2019-11-23 23:25:01 UTC  

Good riddance.

2019-11-23 23:25:30 UTC  

Dont say that. They're sized perfectly for easy microwaving

2019-11-23 23:25:49 UTC  

God's Outback Meatloaf as they say in Queensland.

2019-11-23 23:26:12 UTC  

Seriously though the article says

2019-11-23 23:26:15 UTC  

*The chairman of the Australian Koala Foundation, Deborah Tabart, estimates that over 1,000 koalas have been killed from the fires and that 80 percent of their habitat has been destroyed.*

2019-11-23 23:26:18 UTC  

mnnn, tastes retarded.

2019-11-23 23:26:22 UTC  

almost as good as panda.

2019-11-23 23:26:27 UTC  

That doesn't sound like a lot of dead Koala?

2019-11-23 23:27:14 UTC  

Why the fuck is there an Australian Koala Foundation? and is it publicly funded?

2019-11-23 23:27:22 UTC  

And how do we defund it?

2019-11-23 23:27:32 UTC  

Because they live in Australia you mook.

2019-11-23 23:28:12 UTC  

The only thing more adorable then a Koala is a sad burned Koala with cute little bandages.

2019-11-23 23:28:30 UTC  

I think their terrible diet naturally makes them lethargic and huggable. Like less filthy slothes?

2019-11-23 23:31:22 UTC  

Yeah it's probably government's job to tell koalas how to eat.

2019-11-23 23:32:05 UTC  

Animal cruelty reeeee!

2019-11-24 00:18:30 UTC  

I don't care how you feel about Glenn Beck. This conversation on tech was really good.