Message from @TheCompanyMan

Discord ID: 592126538569351179

2019-06-22 19:08:15 UTC  

I'd ask if it works on turkey but they always have turkey

2019-06-22 19:11:50 UTC  

It might. The worst that could happen is that you would get at least the turkey you paid for.

If you aren't using pickup, you should. I regularly get more than I would have payed for going in to the store. Plus it saves a shitton of time.

2019-06-22 19:12:02 UTC  

Just drive up and they load the groceries into your car.

2019-06-22 19:20:16 UTC  

Better than throwing it away

2019-06-22 19:21:39 UTC  

Wt time/s do u scoop your stuff

2019-06-22 19:41:12 UTC  

You decide.

2019-06-22 19:42:32 UTC this link should get you started. (Plus it's a referral so we both get 10 bucks)

2019-06-22 19:47:07 UTC  

But to answer your question, any time. You just tell them when you will pick it up

2019-06-22 19:47:39 UTC  

I meant as in YOU. is there a pattern you adhere to or do YOU pick up whenever and there is always extra shmeeeaaattts. Out here compiling data. 😎

2019-06-22 19:47:55 UTC  

I will discover the mystery of the added shmeaaaats

2019-06-22 19:53:10 UTC  

Ohhh lol. I pick up at 11 every Saturday.

2019-06-22 19:53:19 UTC  

Well between 11 and 12

2019-06-22 20:37:47 UTC  

Region of the country .

2019-06-22 20:37:52 UTC  

If that's ok. Lol

2019-06-22 20:37:58 UTC  

If not.

2019-06-22 20:38:05 UTC  

Someone will find you anyway.

2019-06-22 20:38:09 UTC  

But not meh

2019-06-22 20:38:13 UTC  


2019-06-22 22:11:35 UTC  


2019-06-22 22:58:51 UTC  

Then let us pray for esssttrraa Turkey 🦃

2019-06-22 22:59:27 UTC

2019-06-23 04:22:53 UTC  

... I was ripped off. The promise made was that I would be HIRED as the groundkeeper. The money is NOT what I agreed to and DOESN'T cover the loss in any case... I stayed homeless 6 more months for this, ¿And I'm supposed to be ***GREATFULL*** for getting the equivalent of 3 weeks rent as "interest"?
I'm annoyed about the why, too...
I would CERTAINLY reccomend against it. 😠😠😠😠
And yes, it's because SHE *"suddenly"* realized I'm MandatoryCarry. Known each other since she was a Seaman at Group San Fran, *'shocked'* to discover I'm *'that psycho'* 😠
Great catch. Pun intended.

2019-06-23 05:52:03 UTC  

Would you rather if, the next time you complain about something, we all blather about how it is truly the worst thing that ever could have happened, and what a hero you must be to have endured it? That's the impression I'm getting.

2019-06-23 05:52:34 UTC  

Especially since you are still going on about it a day later.

2019-06-23 06:15:45 UTC

2019-06-23 14:25:22 UTC  

No. And I'll be on it a week from now too. "Heroic" or not, don't ***TELL ME*** I should be *"greatful"* for something I didn't ask for.
BTW, if you don't care, ¿why'd you bring it up? ... ¿Again?

2019-06-23 15:30:01 UTC  

Ah. So it wasn't really about the money in the first place. You could have said so and saved a lot of confusion. That's a real bummer man. Sorry.

2019-06-23 15:33:07 UTC  

I'm sorry, I thought *"'Sorry, I didn't know you were a baby killer's"* would have made it kinda clear what this is about...
You confused *yourself* by focusing on the money. Don't put that off on me.

2019-06-23 15:36:28 UTC  

Which I already expressed my sympathy about. I swear you are the least charitable conversationalist I have ever met. So never mind I guess.

2019-06-23 15:44:38 UTC  

*"You are the least charitable conversationalist I have ever met."*
... That hurt... Because it's true.

2019-06-23 21:54:21 UTC  

Damn right it's true

2019-06-23 22:12:44 UTC  

Just gotta poke the bear, ¿eh?

2019-06-23 22:13:06 UTC  

I don't poke bears

2019-06-23 22:13:09 UTC  

That's dangerous

2019-06-23 22:13:16 UTC  

I'll poke hares though

2019-06-23 22:14:17 UTC  

I'm *"uncharitable"* because I've never seen it. Wouldn't know what it looks like.

2019-06-23 22:55:02 UTC  

charitability is the basis for productive discussion

2019-06-23 22:55:30 UTC  

it's one of the reasons why arguing with socjus cultists is often pointless

2019-06-23 23:44:49 UTC  

Sorry- I haven't seen any. Couldn't tell you what it looks like.

2019-06-24 00:24:43 UTC  

You've seen plenty. Your eyes are closed.

2019-06-24 00:25:08 UTC  

Or you have some kind of social disability.