Message from @MageVortex
Discord ID: 609968992966410242
I'll have to check it out.
It's been pretty decent. There's been CGI but not egregious levels
They are making Akira black
making Akira take place outside of Japan already makes no fucking sense
BuT nInE-eLeVeN
two towers = two japanese cities and closing in on a century of fear over nuclear armaments
I'm surprised how many people think the 30-50 hogs statement was a meme. Like it's not something that legitimately happens.
No wonder people think there are too many humans. They all live in their polluted cities.
But the left has passed gun control and all you have is a musket and a sling shot. So you get eaten.. lol
Guess farmers better start putting spike traps and motes around their properties.
M-O-A-T, and that don't stop 'em. Spike traps will get a few, though.
Like... ¿Four maybe?
That's what the crocs are for
¿Really Bow?
Big, fat, Nile Crocs, older than some dinosaurs as a species, evil sadistic killing machines with the empathy of a shark, the mind of a dog, can swim like a fish for a while and walk on land, and can only be killed with nuclear depth charged and RPG's...
Hey, I'll be the temporary friend of anyone who can point me to the story about Target being a sponser for the drag kids show
maybe even a multi-day friend
Cain't help ya there, but I did search anyways (this being the first time I heard this) and got an interesting result:
*Why are you booing me? I'm right*
You could shorten that whole tweet by saying:
"Men like anime girls because finding a non-imaginary non-whore is too difficult for them and because they have latent pedophilic tendencies."
The pedo shot seems equally unnecessary
I call that type of man a man-whore for a reason
Equal opportunity slut shaming now!
It’s also worth mentioning that humans evolved with females as sexual selectors. If you’re not being sexually selective (i.e. being loose) then you’re abdicating your evolutionary responsibility. A loose woman is no different than a dead-beat man and society treats the two the same
The natural selection is strong with this one
When you know a little bit about human evolution a lot of society’s double standards and gender roles start to make a little bit more sense
Gender roles are socially constructed by the patriarchy you bigot!
It’s true
The most spicy comment so far
Kill all THOTS!