Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 621724915707412510

2019-09-12 14:58:24 UTC  

@Fondboy lemme know when you're ready to address the points made about AI, rights vs left, or anarchy, lad

2019-09-12 15:03:00 UTC  

on a sidenote, having just gone a bit through the chat, i can say that we do know how AIs currently work, its just that the algorithms are not understandable to the normal human, and that we can't follow their thoughtprocesses from one end to the other, but how everything is functioning we do know, because AI are still being build by humans, not other AIs

2019-09-12 15:04:25 UTC  

It also is largely irrelevant because information still takes up space, AI or no, and more information/more complicated predictions necessarily require more processing power

2019-09-12 15:05:00 UTC  

yup, which is why there will need to be a huge improvement in processing speed, before we will get anywhere close to a general ai

2019-09-12 15:05:18 UTC  

Actually... Last year there was an ai released that restructures layers/connections in generating new ai platforms in order to optimize them

2019-09-12 15:05:27 UTC  

It's like when people talk about game streaming being something we'll eventually figure out. Bitch lag is limited by the speed of fucking light. We have to break that barrier before it even becomes possible

2019-09-12 15:05:41 UTC  

and quantum computing isn't it, since while it allows for a ton of calcuations being done at once, if you need to do straightforward stuff, it isn't a big improvement

2019-09-12 15:06:08 UTC  

So yeah we are beyond the point of ai making ai

2019-09-12 15:06:38 UTC  

making ai just a tad more efficent isn't really revolutionary, not unless that ai can make that ai more efficent at making other ais more efficent

2019-09-12 15:06:40 UTC  

Calling what we have AI feels like a misnomer anyway

2019-09-12 15:07:52 UTC  

at which point the next step is for general ai to come to existence that can then program a lot of different ais for different tasks quickly, and command them that way, to do stuff way more efficent

2019-09-12 15:07:58 UTC  

It isn't about more efficient. If the ai algorithm doesn't converge for a particular case when given more data and doing this iterative step allows for that you get a binary difference in results

2019-09-12 15:08:23 UTC  

being more efficent is the whole point of ai though

2019-09-12 15:08:50 UTC  

But yeah the issue is that markets are essentially eyeballed by a collection of specialists who are looking out for themselves and their company. Even they dont have perfect information about those sectors, which is why the self corrective nature of competition is important

2019-09-12 15:09:35 UTC  

Imagine having one single planner, and the information you would need to make optimal decisions

2019-09-12 15:09:56 UTC  

Because you can't have free market competition or hierarchies

2019-09-12 15:10:32 UTC  

Yes/no. We can create more efficient ai by first making elaborate computationally intensive self adjusting frameworks and then export an ai state for efficient/non learning algorithm

2019-09-12 15:11:00 UTC  

Youre going to need a separate section of your whole society dedicated to server uptime and maintaining the machine itself. The size and power draw of that thing is probably going to be nuts

2019-09-12 15:12:07 UTC

2019-09-12 15:12:21 UTC  


2019-09-12 15:12:50 UTC  

>even in the matrix communism didn't work, so they settled on the 90s

2019-09-12 15:12:55 UTC  

Oh look, "The Third Eye"

2019-09-12 15:14:04 UTC  

you know the Matrix was plagerized right?

2019-09-12 15:15:40 UTC  

All works of fiction are based off of something like 7 basic narrative frameworks.

2019-09-12 15:15:48 UTC  

Everything in cyberpunk borrows heavily from prior work

2019-09-12 15:16:09 UTC  

It's sort of like the Lovecraft mythos except they exist in different universes

2019-09-12 15:16:36 UTC  

I meant there was lady who sued for copyright infringment

2019-09-12 15:16:46 UTC  

Did she win?

2019-09-12 15:16:49 UTC  

but I can't tell if she won or not

2019-09-12 15:17:00 UTC  

Snopes says "false" but that's Snopes

2019-09-12 15:17:24 UTC  

Tbh I dont really care about copyright infringement

2019-09-12 15:17:39 UTC  


2019-09-12 15:17:51 UTC  

There are dozens of "a computer controls everything" stories

2019-09-12 15:17:55 UTC  

For years there have been

2019-09-12 15:18:06 UTC  

And "youre stuck inside the computer" shit

2019-09-12 15:18:07 UTC  

There was a lot of debate in how the Matrix is a retelling of biblical stories

2019-09-12 15:18:33 UTC  

Yeah a lot of narratives are also just biblical, or have biblical applicability

2019-09-12 15:18:58 UTC  

Same with classical literature. Once heard the Warriors explained as a modern Odyssey

2019-09-12 15:20:40 UTC  

I mean... it is

2019-09-12 15:20:42 UTC  

like, intentionally so

2019-09-12 15:20:49 UTC  

I heard fight club explained as a story written by a gay man about male toxicity. And matrix as a story directed by two trans as a trans/coming out story.