Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 634170195643990017

2019-10-16 09:04:06 UTC  

You can use horse metaphors but nobody is going to think you're stable.

2019-10-16 09:04:16 UTC  


2019-10-16 09:05:18 UTC  
2019-10-16 13:54:10 UTC  

*"You can use horse metaphors but nobody is going to think you're stable."*
No, I was fucking with everyone (and I'm not sorry)...

2019-10-16 18:00:56 UTC  


2019-10-16 18:01:36 UTC  

"Nobody wants to disarm you, they just want to remove your weapons. We call it dearming"

2019-10-16 18:35:50 UTC  

What's the best meme you guys have got for the guy that says "Yikes!" in a thread?

2019-10-16 18:36:52 UTC  

Looking for one in my stash that properly encapsulates the yikes guy, but I'm finding them all lacking.

2019-10-16 18:39:19 UTC  

There's a yikes guy?? I had no idea

2019-10-16 18:43:25 UTC  

There's gotta be some good yikes guy meme out there in the wild.

2019-10-16 18:44:06 UTC  

"Yikes, that's kinda racist" "Yikes, privilege much?" etc. etc.

2019-10-16 18:52:08 UTC  

I know I've seen one of a very stereotypical feminist, but fuck if I can find it on an image search

2019-10-16 20:41:34 UTC  

Gun control is funny, because it's a myth.

2019-10-16 20:42:20 UTC  

What? You pick up gun, you hold it steady, you aim and fire. Gun control :^)

2019-10-16 20:50:43 UTC  

Ya about that...

2019-10-16 20:53:52 UTC  

I hope youre not noodling that gun all over the place. That would be irresponsible

2019-10-16 22:32:38 UTC  

I could use some input from some like-minded individuals. I currently live in Virginia and fucking hate it. I'm looking to move to either Tennessee or New Hampshire. Anyone here live in either of these states? If so I'd appreciate some input. I've only ever visited them.

2019-10-16 22:35:06 UTC  

Might help to list what you hate about VA/what youre hoping to get out of TN or NH tbh

2019-10-16 22:35:33 UTC  

A close relative of mine lives in NH. It's a beautiful state.

2019-10-16 23:20:03 UTC  

I should specify that I hate where I live in VA (DC metro area) but I grew up in a rural small town which was pretty nice. I just want to find somewhere that's quiet, low traffic, has some mountains nearby, and where I can find a trad wife.

2019-10-16 23:25:56 UTC  

So why not just go rural again?

2019-10-16 23:33:38 UTC  

Because I don't want to be in Virginia anymore. I've been all over the state and no place feels like a good area to grow roots. My hometown was a good area to grow up, but I could never live there for the rest of my life.

2019-10-17 00:19:17 UTC  

Northern Idaho is bomb

2019-10-17 00:21:48 UTC  

yeah agred

2019-10-17 00:21:51 UTC  


2019-10-17 00:21:54 UTC  

we definitely want to move to ID

2019-10-17 00:24:44 UTC  

There are large multi acre lots in the Sandpoint area that are cheap per acre.

Perfect place for a commune

2019-10-17 05:16:01 UTC  

... Well. This is awkward... Either I'm a hero or I'm fired as of about 5 minutes ago. 😲😲😲😲

2019-10-17 05:16:55 UTC  

Both are better than droning on in mediocrity for another decade. Live life in the moment.

2019-10-17 05:56:31 UTC  

Not being homeless is pretty nice.
Just saying.

2019-10-17 08:11:16 UTC  

my God

2019-10-17 08:11:40 UTC  

Is that where our organs come from?

2019-10-17 08:12:12 UTC  

I don't want organs from unevolved sources

2019-10-17 12:31:47 UTC  

Fucking Tumblr “artists”

2019-10-17 12:33:33 UTC  

look at the one on the right

2019-10-17 12:33:48 UTC  

str8 up dude

2019-10-17 13:05:54 UTC  

Why are their noses all fucked up?

2019-10-17 13:13:44 UTC  

one of many good questions

2019-10-17 13:28:18 UTC  

@klaws try WV, TN or OH, maybe GA