Message from @DJ_Anuz

Discord ID: 589699789264781332

2019-06-16 05:44:21 UTC  

some people will fall through the cracks, you don't plan for them, there are acceptable losses in any plan, because over planning is expensive

2019-06-16 05:44:32 UTC  

You want a plan to help everyone who needs it, which are people in the extremes first.

2019-06-16 05:44:56 UTC  

no you plan for the average people, realign your scope from there

2019-06-16 05:45:29 UTC  

there is a margin of error in any production model, the cost of reducing that margin of error determines whether you reduce it or not

2019-06-16 05:45:50 UTC  

You want general policies like that, but not when you are looking at a problem that needs to be solved.

2019-06-16 05:46:20 UTC  

why does one person per day still get hit with a landmine in cambodia, because the cost of reducing the margin of error exceeds the value of human life

2019-06-16 05:46:47 UTC  

i see no problem to be solved, i don't have to produce a solution, i have to prove that the freeze is not the ideal solution

2019-06-16 05:47:33 UTC  

Which wasn't very helpful. But again you did offer some alternatives.

2019-06-16 06:01:26 UTC  

I mean, those four options aren't really feasible, or rely on tax payers to fund. I could go into the nuances of why, but only if ya'll would care.

2019-06-16 06:02:54 UTC  

don't care, already proved the freeze is not the optimal solution to the not so clearly defined problem (which i assume is the risk of delinquency in paying off student loan debt)

2019-06-16 06:04:35 UTC  

Umm... No. It's not been about delinquency at all.

2019-06-16 06:08:29 UTC  

then as ive said many times, your proposal is not clearly defined

2019-06-16 06:08:57 UTC  

It was many times, you just didn't care to see it.

2019-06-16 06:09:15 UTC  

Which is fine.

2019-06-16 06:09:19 UTC  

i havent seen it, ive asked for it

2019-06-16 06:11:05 UTC  

Whats wrong with the idea of interest free for first 10 years then it all on you to pay it back before the interest starts

2019-06-16 06:11:37 UTC  

Yep, i did say that was something to consider.

2019-06-16 06:14:10 UTC  

It would help for those that could manage to pay it off in the first ten years, though there would be many underemployed grads that wouldn't be able to make the deadline and would still get hit by the interest on the total.

Though after that their interest would be more manageable.

2019-06-16 06:15:45 UTC  

if you cant get a job in that feld in 10 years it was a bad university degree

2019-06-16 06:16:16 UTC  

Very many degrees are bad heh.

2019-06-16 06:16:25 UTC  

Most kids going to school don't quite comprehend that there are more bad degrees than good.

2019-06-16 06:16:32 UTC  

It also wouldn't solve the issue of people that currently have their loans they're paying interest on.

2019-06-16 06:16:57 UTC  

Ideally the govt would just stop backing new loans so they can fizzle out of existence.

2019-06-16 06:17:49 UTC  

then so maybe the government should assign you a career based on aptitude tests and needs, so you don't choose incorrect carrers?

2019-06-16 06:18:34 UTC  

Last thing I want is the govt telling me what jobs I am or am not apt to do well in.

2019-06-16 06:18:41 UTC  

Their tests would probably suck.

2019-06-16 06:20:12 UTC  

so society can't determine job placement, but should socialize the cost of a bad personal selection

2019-06-16 06:22:12 UTC  


2019-06-16 06:22:48 UTC  

lol what ???

2019-06-16 06:23:28 UTC  

i do not think you know what it means

2019-06-16 06:26:06 UTC  

how we do our student loans in New Zealand is that there is no interest on them but you have no choice and paying them back your wages are garnished untill its paid off

2019-06-16 06:27:12 UTC  

he thinks i mean socialize as in socialism, i.e. controlling the means of production. not socialize as in society shares the cost of an endeavor

2019-06-16 06:29:37 UTC  

Freezing interest rates after x number of years wouldn't do that. The transactions are between the lender and the student. It's not socializing the cost at all, it's regulating it. (Which is not the same as socialization)

I'm going to bed.

2019-06-16 06:31:13 UTC  

lol how rude

2019-06-16 06:31:13 UTC  

🆙 | **thedoctorisagod leveled up!**

2019-06-17 00:10:29 UTC  

Can we stop @ everyone-ing in the Minecraft server channel? Fite me

2019-06-17 00:15:09 UTC  

minecraft role pls?

2019-06-17 00:17:58 UTC  

Legalize already created one in <#588569576761982996>, so he should use that

2019-06-19 05:03:43 UTC Has anyone seen this video?