Message from @Putz

Discord ID: 591706011589672963

2019-06-21 14:04:13 UTC  


2019-06-21 14:04:21 UTC  


2019-06-21 15:50:58 UTC  

*"When dealing with modern progressives, it is more the rule than the exception that the slippery slope argument is not a fallacy. ... Change my mind."*
I could *try,* but I'd have to start with the worst sin of all- I'd have to **LIE** to you, and worse I'd have to tell you a lie I already know you know is a lie.
*"They love their Handmaid's Tale references as of late."*
¿Are they **STILL** on that shit argument? Take that worlds, replace *'Christian'* with *'Muslim,'* and you have at least a half-dozen real world countries ***RIGHT NOW.*** Not some hypothetical future, right now, today- Up to and including execution of lesbians (an otherwise historical outlier). 😠😤🤬😡

2019-06-21 15:52:03 UTC  

It's not so much the lie that pisses me off... It's the fact that they think we're too stupid to know it's a lie that does. 😤😡😠🤬🤬

2019-06-21 15:55:25 UTC  

I don't think they think it's untrue, thus it wouldn't be a lie

2019-06-21 15:55:47 UTC  

I think they've worked themselves into a frenzy over an ebil Christian patriarchy that won't happen

2019-06-21 16:04:36 UTC  

Willful ignorance of simply verifiable facts is also lying.
And that's not even the extremism... The extremism comes at **"When you don't verify a claim before presenting it as factual based on your supposed professional credentials, you're lying"* (coughcoughShannonWATTScough)...

2019-06-21 16:27:01 UTC  

We're talking about speculation. There aren't simple verifiable facts

2019-06-21 16:27:04 UTC  

Omission is no sin!

2019-06-21 16:27:14 UTC  


2019-06-21 17:19:46 UTC  

It is when you already know better...
Because you got caught.

2019-06-21 18:00:37 UTC  

No getting caught.

2019-06-21 18:00:53 UTC  

Just people getting shhhhmmmaaarrtt.

2019-06-21 18:03:39 UTC  

What about her?

2019-06-21 18:20:20 UTC  

Slippery slopes go both directions. That's why both sides fear them because the truth is compromise is a temporary solution

2019-06-21 18:51:32 UTC  

She's not that smart. In fact, she's not as smart as her degree supposedly says

2019-06-21 19:00:17 UTC  

Well boston college isn't even the best economics school in boston. If that tells you anything

2019-06-21 19:05:56 UTC  

... Huh. I thought her degree was in advertising.
That does explain a few things. But not enough.

2019-06-21 19:07:25 UTC  

Oops she went to boston university, the best economics program in boston

2019-06-21 19:07:42 UTC  


2019-06-21 19:08:26 UTC  

She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics

2019-06-21 19:08:36 UTC  

Per wikipedia

2019-06-21 19:09:03 UTC  

It was an econ minor

2019-06-21 19:09:40 UTC  

I minored in pseudocode

2019-06-21 19:09:58 UTC  

BigDaddyTraivs taught me

2019-06-21 19:10:06 UTC  

Probably took marxist econ and a dash of Keynesian.

2019-06-21 19:10:12 UTC  

Haha that's right

2019-06-21 19:10:47 UTC  

UofDiscord is a super reputable school

2019-06-21 19:11:00 UTC  

Cutting edge

2019-06-21 19:23:43 UTC  

I thought it was some kind of fake double major that she had.

2019-06-21 19:24:01 UTC  

That I'm pretty sure she earned on her back.

2019-06-21 19:26:21 UTC  

haha well international relations sounds like some sort of communications derivative, aka a bullshit degree. the econ minor would only require a few more classes, probably like 4 ish. plus two of those econ courses can be used to satisfy general education requirements.

2019-06-21 19:26:55 UTC  

shop around for easy professors, then flirt with the genius incel in class to get him to help you

2019-06-21 19:26:56 UTC  


2019-06-21 20:46:48 UTC  

Oh @wolfman1911, ¿ad hominems? I hate that Slaver bitch too, but even I'm not willing to accuse her of swallowing her degree... ¿Dancing on dead kids graves? Sure. ¿Engineering more random school massacres? She's done it. ¿Fucked her way to a degree? No.
(If you don't realize the bigger insult here, also yourself...)

2019-06-21 21:11:25 UTC  

Even a BA in econ doesn't make you an expert. It's not until graduate school that you start critically thinking

2019-06-21 21:12:07 UTC  

I have a CIS degree with concentrations in programming and networking, and noone here would probably let me fix your computer, lol

2019-06-21 21:29:55 UTC  

"engineering more random school massacres"
lol wut?

2019-06-21 21:43:40 UTC  

@Big T
Demanding school staff disarm.

2019-06-21 21:49:15 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry im waiting in debate voice chat bro.

2019-06-21 21:50:01 UTC  

youve been running your mouth all over here, and in my DMs. put up bro @Mandatory Carry '