Message from @Fondboy

Discord ID: 626269757783539718

2019-09-25 03:56:20 UTC  

I just want to reduce the number of people brought into the country.

2019-09-25 03:56:49 UTC  

Not tell people who are already here legally what to do

2019-09-25 03:57:02 UTC  

Oh, "labor migrants"

2019-09-25 03:57:06 UTC  

man, reading is hard, eh?

2019-09-25 03:57:15 UTC  


2019-09-25 03:57:41 UTC  

I'd severely *deregulate* domestic labor

2019-09-25 03:57:53 UTC  

including abolishing the minimum wage as I mentioned

2019-09-25 03:57:59 UTC  

I think we mostly agree then.

2019-09-25 03:59:09 UTC  

Ideally I think open borders would be fine once/if the welfare state is greatly reduced but until that happens (lol) a well controlled border is a necessary evil.

2019-09-25 04:05:02 UTC  

would you rather the burden of people making enough to live be on the economy or the governmnet

2019-09-25 04:05:53 UTC  

I don't understand your question.

2019-09-25 04:06:44 UTC  

I'd rather that people took responsibility for their own well being instead of a centralized detached organization treating them as helpless children and lap dogs.

2019-09-25 04:07:00 UTC  

But that's a false dichotomy obviously.

2019-09-25 04:09:03 UTC  

yea but there will always be people stuck at wallmart and macdonalds

2019-09-25 04:09:22 UTC  

and at the moment those peoples livelyhoods are being covered by the government

2019-09-25 04:09:43 UTC  

so would you rather force the company to raise wages increasing the cost of their products

2019-09-25 04:10:01 UTC  

or would you rather the government just keep helping them out and keep getting cheaper products

2019-09-25 04:10:49 UTC  

Are the products really cheaper if they're being paid for with the government's cut of consumer's salaries?

2019-09-25 04:11:35 UTC  

Do you think there are people so pitiful and helpless that they would starve without state intervention? That's not an accusation. Your question seems to imply it but I want to be sure I understand.

2019-09-25 04:12:19 UTC  

yes, that seems to be the case even with that loaded question

2019-09-25 04:12:25 UTC  

poor people stay poor

2019-09-25 04:12:32 UTC  

also wouldn't matter it would fk over poor people if the cost of their cost of food and essentials increased

2019-09-25 04:14:48 UTC  

I think we're operating with irreconcilable presuppositions then. I think the number of people who are genuine charity cases is extremely small and most people are only hurt by being treated like they can't look after themselves.

2019-09-25 04:15:26 UTC  

the presuppositions that poor people stay poor in america?

2019-09-25 04:15:42 UTC  

The presupposition that poor people are helpless.

2019-09-25 04:17:43 UTC  

>poor people stay poor

2019-09-25 04:18:01 UTC  

Remember that poor is relative and the living conditions of poor Americans is well above average for some under developed countries. I don't say that to minimize the hardship of poverty but rather to emphasize that it is not a binary state and while everyone would like to be wealthier there's no unique arbitrary threshold of affluence that it's good to be above and bad to be below.

2019-09-25 04:18:13 UTC  

Until very recently, this statement was a lie

2019-09-25 04:18:30 UTC  

The old saying is that it's three generations from shirt sleeve to shirt sleeve

2019-09-25 04:18:48 UTC  

I don't understand that saying.

2019-09-25 04:18:56 UTC  

People of every generation of my family wear shirts.

2019-09-25 04:19:12 UTC  

Blue to white collar, to suits

2019-09-25 04:19:19 UTC  

Oh, fancy.

2019-09-25 04:20:56 UTC  

Even still, there is great social mobility within and outside of society

2019-09-25 04:20:58 UTC  

uh, I think that america is highly based around where you start is where you will end up

2019-09-25 04:21:07 UTC  


2019-09-25 04:21:23 UTC  


2019-09-25 04:21:25 UTC  

That's a fancy way of pushing determinism

2019-09-25 04:21:26 UTC  

No one will deny that it's much easier to be born affluent than impoverished.

2019-09-25 04:21:36 UTC  

You a recent convert to Calvinism or what