Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 653902824228257793

2019-12-08 05:02:47 UTC  

In the Book of Samuel King David must collect 100 philistine dick skins in order to get married to his wife.

2019-12-08 05:04:15 UTC  

Seems like a weird way to bond with your father in law.

2019-12-08 05:06:52 UTC  

not even the weirdest thing in the Scriptures

2019-12-08 09:09:27 UTC  

You mean you guys didn't give a hundred dick skins at your wedding?

2019-12-08 09:14:29 UTC  

If you count the ones still attached, maybe?

2019-12-08 15:54:22 UTC  

In another part of the Bible a prophet calls a curse on three teenagers teasing him by telling him to become an apostate (essentially by going to another temple and sleeping with temple prostitutes instead of worshipping YHWH) and God agrees and lets three bears come out and eat the the vulgar teens.

2019-12-08 16:29:19 UTC  

Summoning bears on your detractors is a pretty reasonable flex compared to dick collecting for father in law

2019-12-08 18:16:52 UTC  

But conjure animals is a druid spell, not a cleric one πŸ€”

2019-12-08 18:18:40 UTC  

Pagans confirmed

2019-12-09 04:55:38 UTC  

To be fair the old Testament is basically God telling, through the prophets, the Israelites to do this one thing, then the Israelites saying "lawl no", then God punishing the Israelites for disobedience and the prophets laughing in the Israelites faces repeatedly.

2019-12-09 05:13:30 UTC  

Definitely setting the pattern to follow πŸ™„

2019-12-10 02:56:20 UTC  

Hey, can I ask a question? Not directed at anyone in particular.
People might criticize Islam and say look in the holy books they oppress women and are oppressive and this and that, thus Islam is bad.
But akyhough christianity or Judaism has similarly controversial and regressive stuff in their holy books, it is not framed similarly. You can ignore it and not focus on it
Why is that? Any takers?

2019-12-10 02:57:10 UTC  

You're just talking about the books themselves right?

Not the actual practice that takes place?

2019-12-10 02:57:40 UTC  


2019-12-10 02:58:43 UTC  

I don't know what it is in Christianity one would consider 'regressive' but even granting that point I really don't care

2019-12-10 02:59:58 UTC  

it's a good thing we don't base our moral frameworks off what the culture considers 'scandalous'

2019-12-10 03:02:06 UTC  

@kujapirate1996 controversial things like?

2019-12-10 03:10:31 UTC  

pretty metal

2019-12-10 08:19:37 UTC  

A lot of Paul's teachings are held up too literally imo. A lot of his recorded remarks are analogies or one off statements that I question the doctrinal validity of.

For instance women being quiet. I doubt that's doctrinal.

Also, who has actually tried to read the Qur'an? I've tried to find English translations that make sense, but the entire structure of how the various passages are made up is just plain confusing.

2019-12-10 10:16:22 UTC  

Lolwut? Islam is right about women.

2019-12-10 12:12:33 UTC  

To know the difference between Christianity and Islam you just have to look at their prophets

Jesus preached tolerance and acceptance
Muhammad said convert to Islam if you want to keep your head

2019-12-10 14:10:33 UTC  

Apparently there were also times when Muhammad preached peace and tolerance. Those times coincide with points where he was weak and/or at the mercy of others, and muslim scholars have ruled that those sections can be ignored in favor of the 'convert or die' parts.

2019-12-10 14:11:50 UTC  

It's Mecca vs Medina. Basically, his rise to power was more peaceful, but when he seized power he became ruthless.

2019-12-10 14:12:46 UTC  

Scholars state that the newer verses supersede any previous versions. It's not a contradiction, but rather a part of "the plan"

2019-12-10 19:17:07 UTC  

@JoJo, KΠΎΠΌΠΈΠΊ Tell that to @PiusXIII supposed priest who wants to beat people he disagrees with

2019-12-10 19:20:06 UTC  


2019-12-10 19:28:53 UTC  

He says Jesus liked to use violence @JoJo, KΠΎΠΌΠΈΠΊ

2019-12-10 19:30:29 UTC  

What's the evidence?

2019-12-10 19:31:20 UTC  

I mean in all fairness an eternity of conscious torture in fire for anyone that rejects his message seems a tad violent

2019-12-10 19:31:53 UTC  

I don't think Jesus ever said that though
It was mostly his followers saying that

2019-12-10 19:36:13 UTC  

Phew, I was worried for a second there

2019-12-10 19:36:38 UTC  


2019-12-10 19:36:55 UTC  

Just saying, it doesn't detract from my statement

2019-12-10 19:41:18 UTC  

Wouldn't you say though, that both Jesus and Muhammad, either implicitly or overtly, essentially said that to go against them was to go against God?

2019-12-10 19:41:50 UTC  

Unless we're just gonna view both as rather eccentric dudes from history

2019-12-10 20:03:20 UTC  

Muhammed literally told his followers to kill people that didn't follow him
And also killed people himself
That's a large distinction from preaching peace
I also don't think Jesus ever said anything similar to that going against him meant going against God
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head of Jesus condemning someone simply for disagreeing with him
I mean, I guess you could say that he said being a bad person could be interpreted as "going against him"

2019-12-10 20:11:20 UTC  

So if I just don't think that his message makes much sense and I decide to take a pass, there's no consequences for that?

2019-12-10 20:19:00 UTC  

I don't think it matters either way
I don't think Jesus himself ever said much about you burning in hell for going against his teachings
Like I said, it was mostly his followers after his death preacher that
And mostly a few hundred years after they were all dead

2019-12-10 20:20:34 UTC  

I've very happy to hear that, I wish more religious people were like you

2019-12-10 20:23:22 UTC  

Thanks buddy haha