Message from @Cruxle
Discord ID: 256243315475873803
This kid sounds like the virgin killer
Watch out ladies
Nickel hood, my understanding is type in your name and possible topic, then wait your turn in line.
How do I make sure my mic is working?
You don't
I'm getting one of those vr headsets for Christmas
You have to enter the waiting-room
I'm taking it to the gym
Invite expired
Anyone know what that means?
Ditto that
@NickH The invite expired
Aw man, I forgot about the show tonight. Gonna have to take a sitout until next week.
Tbh Fidel Castro is my hero
wow.. that sure does look incriminating
Legs everywhere breath a sigh of relief
So how does this work are we let in in any particular order?
It started back up
Slyphsoldier go to the roll call chat and submit your name