Message from @myddrinemrys
Discord ID: 294276228142333954
What # am I in Q
@Gerry More like 10th, as Patrons get priority.
ah you're right that's fair
Are people selected randomly, or is there a queue?
it's first typed first served
@Blippedyblop Cue. Patrons first, the based on first come, first served.
No worries. I'm only 14th
ergo, I fancy my chances...
blip, fuck you!
It's a term of endearment, Gerry
You have to earn that
it's a harsh term of endearment
Quite possibly.
Crossbows actually killed Richard the Lionheart
in the announcements room howcome no one has called out @AicenFeir on his most recent and incredibly confusing message?
completely open to this just being another case where I am stricken with a case of the stupids.
@Gerry It just means that any messages other than "roll_call" do not go in that thread so Matt can see the names easier.
it's worded funny
Anyone here want to meet Ron Paul?
I mean, I wouldn't be against it
He's pretty old but seems like a chiller
Gene Editing
Register for the Young Americans for Liberty Spring Summit today!
I don't really understand YAFL but I'm a member I think
It's in Boston on March 25th. This Saturday!
People from all over the Northeast will be there.
Nice ad bro
Just archived cenk tweet it is so stupid
To the one who wanted to see strange UK laws, I put a list in the batcave
High energy, super exciting, lots of fun! You won't wanna miss Saturday's Summmit.
It is illegal under the terms of the Prohibition and Inspections Act of 1998 to cause a nuclear explosion.
true dat.
this kinda sounds tinfoil hat-y
this is really funny