Message from @Blippedyblop
Discord ID: 294272437217001473
@Gerry They done found the new location in Liverpool.
that's amazing
I said that, im not always fake news
well I mean 7th in line isn't bad
Bugger. Probably too late
That was anxiety enducing
like I was on a game-show waiting to hit the buzzer
Somebody false started and it TRIGGERED everyone else
but then realized I hit it too early to I had to retype my answer quick and hit it again in a hot minute
What # am I in Q
@Gerry More like 10th, as Patrons get priority.
ah you're right that's fair
Are people selected randomly, or is there a queue?
it's first typed first served
@Blippedyblop Cue. Patrons first, the based on first come, first served.
No worries. I'm only 14th
ergo, I fancy my chances...
blip, fuck you!
It's a term of endearment, Gerry
You have to earn that
it's a harsh term of endearment
Quite possibly.
Crossbows actually killed Richard the Lionheart
in the announcements room howcome no one has called out @AicenFeir on his most recent and incredibly confusing message?
completely open to this just being another case where I am stricken with a case of the stupids.
@Gerry It just means that any messages other than "roll_call" do not go in that thread so Matt can see the names easier.
it's worded funny
Anyone here want to meet Ron Paul?
I mean, I wouldn't be against it
He's pretty old but seems like a chiller
Gene Editing
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