Message from @Gerry
Discord ID: 294283287562551310
Old school DNM dork here
I've heard of blockchain actually, sorry if I sound stupid talking about it but it's something that's been taking off recently right?
nice. just got involved a little bit ago. gonna build a rig here soon so i can mine as much as i can before they go to PoS
Especially in financial tech
GPUs way to go
so it lets you make your own currency?
or something
I got into BTC when it was at 1.70 per
Block chain is essentially a ledger
damn. you the one who paid a shit ton of BTC for pizza delivery? lol
Haha ha no but o know the article you're referencing
a ledger?
I still own a bjnch of physical bit coins
Yeah like a transaction ledger
essentially a set of transactions showing transfer of BTC from one wallet address to another.
So while in essence it's anonymous and a lot of people like to think of it as bulletproof it's not 100% unless you take a LOT of precautions
wait is it illegal?
also has some good articles that explain stuff.
completely legal
Well blockchain tech has a TON of potential and other uses
as in.
am i automatically on the call in show waiting list or how do i?
It's legal but it's got a bad rap due to the fact it's highly associated with online drug markets on the dark net
voting, banking, any sort of contract
And the federal government is against it in a lot of ways and give exchanges a hard time getting financial licenses to trade in btc
As it's a threat to the federal reserve
Since it's not a fair currency
like the car
I have no idea what fiat is