Message from @Badg3rman

Discord ID: 299335756877398017

2017-04-06 00:06:07 UTC  

I only really get american and eurosceptic sources

2017-04-06 00:06:34 UTC  

not just a bit. way too much. we are more or less the only nation within Europe where a substantial part of the population is dreaming of the "United States of Europe".

2017-04-06 00:06:47 UTC  


2017-04-06 00:06:48 UTC  

How do you think Germany could un-Merkel itself, and return to a more nationalist platform. (And by nationalist I don't mean Neo-Nazi, of course)

2017-04-06 00:07:15 UTC  

((Imperial Second Reich))

2017-04-06 00:07:16 UTC  

but with the UK leaving and other countries forming alliances (Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), I feel the EU will fall and other alliances will be formed.

2017-04-06 00:07:41 UTC  

I honestly feel blocks such as that would be more beneficial

2017-04-06 00:07:59 UTC  

I am just of the point of view that a nation should care for its citizens, and put them first, and it seems to me that Merkel and others like her keep putting the native population second.

2017-04-06 00:08:01 UTC  

At this point, Germany can't un-Merkel itself. She must go. And her opponent at the upcoming election in September, Martin Schulz, is even more on the left than her.

2017-04-06 00:08:12 UTC  


2017-04-06 00:08:53 UTC  

and there are just two realistic outcomes this september: Merkel staying in power or Schulz becoming new chancellor of a socialdemocrat-green-socialist coalition

2017-04-06 00:08:54 UTC  

I've always wanted to make the journey over but I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut about a lot of things

2017-04-06 00:09:11 UTC  

And my grammar is also attrocious

2017-04-06 00:09:14 UTC  

Either do it as soon as possible or delay until Germany is sane again.

2017-04-06 00:10:26 UTC  

if the "red-red-green" coalition of the three most leftist parties (that actually matter) in Germany wins in september, Europe is doomed for the next four years

2017-04-06 00:10:48 UTC  

I graduate in December so I think it will have to stay a thought for now

2017-04-06 00:10:50 UTC  

and the AFD doesn't help the cause, because they are not willing to form a coalition with anyone.

2017-04-06 00:11:30 UTC  

at this point and in this kind of a democratic system, they do more harm than good. and they would be better off infiltrating Merkel's CDU

2017-04-06 00:12:26 UTC  

So what right-wing party (or parties) are there that stand a chance of causing real change?

2017-04-06 00:12:27 UTC  

🆙 | **ColeH leveled up!**

2017-04-06 00:13:25 UTC  

there is no real right-wing party in Germany and there unfortunately won't be for the next decades. the best way to support right-wing positions depends on how much libertarianism/authoritarianism you want with it

2017-04-06 00:13:46 UTC  

the more libertarian way would be the right wing of the Free Democrats, where I currently am and hope to stay.

2017-04-06 00:14:09 UTC  

the more authoritarian way, again, would be to infiltrate the CDU and try to get them to what they once were - an actual conservative party

2017-04-06 00:16:50 UTC  

the AFD as the idea of a "Die Linke" on the right will not work. "Die Linke" keeps on crossing the line to left-wing extremism just as the AFD keeps on crossing the line to right-wing extremism. But our history makes us be tougher on right-wing extremism due to our history.

2017-04-06 00:20:11 UTC  

Its just hard for me to imagine that there is still that much guilt over a period of time

2017-04-06 00:20:12 UTC  

🆙 | **VonBrüning leveled up!**

2017-04-06 00:20:16 UTC  

Especially given the overall attitudes towards Germany around europe pre and post WWI

2017-04-06 00:20:30 UTC  

no one remembers that in Germany

2017-04-06 00:21:58 UTC  

we are all reminded of those horrible twelve years, though. day in, day out. I think, a little less (just a little less) remembrance would be great, and more remembrance of what Germany achieved. Talking about historical figures like Goethe, Schiller, all those German writers. German composers. German scientists. We got so much.

2017-04-06 00:22:35 UTC  

Maybe less remembrance can happen as the generations change. I mean, to some extent the war is still living memory for some.

2017-04-06 00:22:44 UTC  

So forgive me if I overstep, but things like the franco-prussian war, the stuggle for Alise-Loraine .

2017-04-06 00:22:57 UTC  

Those aren't proud moments for most?

2017-04-06 00:23:28 UTC  

Yes, but the last ones that actually lived are on the verge of no longer living, to put it mildly. maybe this is a chance. but then again, we got the leftist elites in Germany...

2017-04-06 00:23:45 UTC  

and Frederick the great as well

2017-04-06 00:23:51 UTC  

Wars never have been proud moments for Germans. Never. Even the ones we won.

2017-04-06 00:24:36 UTC  

There's a reason why DJT has to remind us Germans constantly that we need to put money into our own defense.

2017-04-06 00:25:05 UTC  

Maybe thats just the 'merican in me but that just seems unfortunate in the truest sense of the word

2017-04-06 00:25:11 UTC  

it is

2017-04-06 00:25:33 UTC  

we take more pride in things that happened in Germany. The fall of the wall in 1989, for example

2017-04-06 00:26:23 UTC  

or the rebellion against the GDR in 1953. when people stood up against the socialist regime

2017-04-06 00:26:43 UTC  

and those are great moments