Message from @Aedin
Discord ID: 324737553695768578
Gravity usually takes care of it if I cant
What's up?
Hey can I talk to you guys?
New to this whole Discord thing...
like talk to the random people in chat?
No, trying to call the show
ah. ok the rules for that are to put roll call in the rol call room, closer to the top of the text channels section
then they go in order of who roll called, patrons get priority
so it may be a tad late for you to do it this week, that take roll call at 10 minutes before the start of the show
I appreciate your help but where again do I find the roll call room?
look on the left side then scroll up to find the text channel section
(And that's totally fine if they can't fit me in)
@Matt Christiansen dude you skipped over me Kappa
Voting age should be raised to post death
guys im making a minecraft parody of DNA.
whomst wanna listen
Normie be gone!
these are the first couple of lines
got, I got, I got, I got
diamonds, i got emeralds inside my minecraft chest
gunpowder sand crafted, mix with redstone torches equals tnt
I got enchantments, poison, potions and diamondsinside my minecraft game
I got speed 2 though, and strenghth 2, and haste, inside my shine beacon
It was genrated like this, since notch made this
Minecraft is the Best Game
I transform like mods, perform like gaps
sword is steves new weapon
I don’t fall in lava, I waterbucket, then off your freaking skin
This that put-the-griefers-to-death
This that I got, I got, I got, I got
diamonds, I just kill mobs 'cause it's in my minecraft game
I got millions, I got diamond buildins' in my minecraft game
I got gaps, I got zombies, that burn inside my minecraft day
It has potential
None of you by any chance have any tips for maintaining a long distance relationship?
Context: Been with my girlfriend now for almost 6 months and we're now facing the single longest period of time away from each other. I have employment over the summer but she doesn't and I can tell that because she hasn't got much to do with herself other than miss me, she's really feeling it
And there isn't an awful lot I can do to help her out in that scenario
Visit her once an a while?
@Matthew Kiff My best friend and his GF have been LD for a really long time. The best thing that they did was Skype
It was almost daily
That and maybe send her a gift if you can. I know that my friend got a hoodie from his GF last month and he constantly wears it.
I know that I cant do long distance thats why I cut it off with my GF when I moved away from WA
If your GF has any hobbies I suggest that she throw herself head first into that if she can.
Thanks guys 😃 I have been to see her twice now but I'm not in a position financially where I can do that again until the end of the summer. We also Skype for several hours a day usually, depending on my work hours
Hey yall. I want to call in tonight