Message from @Muesilibur
Discord ID: 365332055044653057
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @Justin Case! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!213462943059279873>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Has anyone else noticed the guy in Roll Call who's in Twice? Is that okay?
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @ConceptHut! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!347549909890891787>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!202290541067501568>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @flat! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!298301768662777856>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!365310317208797186>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
I know one guy put his name in before the time limit. He's the only one i noticed twice. Aything before ten to will be ignored
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!365310738044026880>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @gemini88mill! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @john.haves! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!365320950910025738>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, @LunaVC! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Fuckin rights
This is deep house
2nd Time Hello All!
Seeing as how I have found this show to have a fair complement of Trump supporters, I figured I might as well mention this here.
There exists a YouTuber who goes by Serious Gaming. He's a Romanian, but despite living accross the globe, he's really into US/World Politics. Point is, he backed Trump and hates the American Establishment.
This political side has hurt his channel, and on top of that, he's been diagnosed with Retinoschisis. He may go blind. The bills are racking up, and he doesn't have the cash.
I'm not asking you to pay him right out of the gates. But give his channel a try. He doesn't get a lot of views despite having 23K subscribers. He only makes $85 a month on Patreon, last I checked.
Give him a chance, or at least, support your fellow Trump Supporter. A desperate attempt, I know. Links in the OTHER LINKS section to his channel.
Welcome to the Call-In Show Server, <@!365333439718883339>! Please check the <#294847468229754880> channel to familiarize yourself with how things are run here. Enjoy your stay.
Hey guys Ashley Judd got me in trouble
Go on
Beat her up
Ia it okay of i sned the pictures in this text?
Engage in the time honored tradition of putting women in their place
Rule of thumb
Check the picture chat
The last two is out of order. Flip them
It got extended by an hour for some reason. So i can't send, like, or retweet tweets till 3:36 PM tomorrow
I did not call her a cunt, by the way. My other discord server I'm in said I'm in the wrong, but they're a bunch of pussies
You need a backup account, better yet are you on gab?
I don't have a backup anymore because I'm not big enough for it (116 followers) but i will be fine. She didn't block me, but i think it was either a bot or a fan
The General of Hell strikes again!!!!
She could've just muted you
Once the account is back to one hundred percent, I'm sending her a tweet to say I'm not dead yet to fuck with her
Do it
I DID IT! I made A Gab account