Message from @Saint
Discord ID: 437439325517512704
you cant just say "nuh uh" to the problem of european ethnic conflict though my dude
whats your model for eliminating it?
Well it seems that a bunch of fucking liberal pussies have lead us to the multiracial toilets that we all live in today those toilets are the reasons we're having the conversation we're having today. Perhaps if we can get some retard some fucking idiot stand up and say no nationhood is about defending people not open borders perhaps will be secure and Amalgamated as a people
Here comes the " no u"
border control and multiracial/multiethnic countries are not mutually exclusive
the problem you have is with Marxists my dude
Again I don't see a problem with race mixing its cultures and ideology that are the problem
I need to take a big boy time out, I'm fucking wasted. I'll catch up in the chat tomorrow.
See ya
take care
Piss Christ death Archer which fucking major countries in the world are leaders besides the United States that have single cultures and are successful
define success
Japan is dying, China is an authoritarian hole
The Koreas have had guns pointed at each other for 70 years
And in America is it the tyranny of people that makes us strong or is it capitalism that creates that tyranny
That makes us strong
Because I assure you there is no free market
No dude it's people lacking moral convictions and have no balls to stand up for what they believe in
America has been weakening itself with retarded world policing and removal of fundamental rights
or attempted removal at least, in most cases
And it is our fault for letting this corruption fester for so long
Canada and Australia have the same issue without the same foundation
UK is already turning completely Orwellian
America was at its peak strength when we were at near homogenous levels of Europeans are decline has come as we increase our ethnic diversity and other great powers like China and Japan have risen as they increase their homogeneity
Not capitalism not our leadership its it is our fault
America was at peak strength when it still had a concrete value system it fought for
I think one of the problems with the UK is the fact that the crown has turned most of it's power over
and wasnt being undermind by retarded tribal politics
America = 1960
Exactly bee
And exactly when did America stop having its peak value system?
Around the point when the federal government decided it needed more state power, that freedom became secondary to safety, that surveillance of the citizenry trumped their privacy for political ideals
The answer is since 1965. We have a mass media system that lowers our value system to a low Point such that each different culture of people we allowed to immigrate here can accept it to a point that as a collection of different groups of people or threshold of value is so low that we are all just fucking DeGeneres
lolno, America was already slowly slipping prior to that
the effects of moral and cultural changes are seen after the fact
it's not an instantaneous shift