Message from @Beemann
Discord ID: 437440450769584138
No dude it's people lacking moral convictions and have no balls to stand up for what they believe in
America has been weakening itself with retarded world policing and removal of fundamental rights
or attempted removal at least, in most cases
And it is our fault for letting this corruption fester for so long
Canada and Australia have the same issue without the same foundation
UK is already turning completely Orwellian
America was at its peak strength when we were at near homogenous levels of Europeans are decline has come as we increase our ethnic diversity and other great powers like China and Japan have risen as they increase their homogeneity
Not capitalism not our leadership its it is our fault
America was at peak strength when it still had a concrete value system it fought for
I think one of the problems with the UK is the fact that the crown has turned most of it's power over
and wasnt being undermind by retarded tribal politics
America = 1960
Exactly bee
And exactly when did America stop having its peak value system?
Around the point when the federal government decided it needed more state power, that freedom became secondary to safety, that surveillance of the citizenry trumped their privacy for political ideals
The answer is since 1965. We have a mass media system that lowers our value system to a low Point such that each different culture of people we allowed to immigrate here can accept it to a point that as a collection of different groups of people or threshold of value is so low that we are all just fucking DeGeneres
lolno, America was already slowly slipping prior to that
the effects of moral and cultural changes are seen after the fact
Again that is not founded in fact man show me the data and then I'll believe you
Diversity = degeneracy
Not you bee
diversity = genetic necessity lol
Ask Pakistan about that sometime :^)
Not true degenerate culture = degeneracy
Diversity equals degeneracy on a cultural level and the United States Implement that because it must be so an order so that our government can control us as a people.
I respect the shit out of the Amish people cuz they keep to themselves and they don't try to push their culture on other people yet they have survived is it people. I come from Pennsylvania Amish Dutch Country so I understand them very well
your ideology seems to stem primarily from a consistent assertion that you havent done a whole lot to back
Again how that is not the case allowing people to live on equal terms does not lead to degeneracy
Beeman, what would you have me do?
yes, well the Amish are paying men big bucks to come seed their women because their community is running out of genetic diversity
Not calling people on there bullshit is what leads to degeneracy
No no no no no no the thing is when there is a indigenous native culture and you allow thousands and millions of foreigners to come and then you make all of them equal what you do is devalue a native culture and that's what is happening to White America
so does that mean whities get off native land reeeee? :^)
White America isn't an indigenous culture
Not by a long shot
The American system first applied this to Native Americans then they applied it to white Americans after they settled here and then now today we implement the same system on new natives we don't allow them to form their own told you they basically just have a super watered-down piece of shit culture that is just movies and television and bars
No no no White America is an indigenous culture of North America because we North America by force we basically Droid estimated killed all of the Native we effectively replace the natives with ourselves and if somebody wants to try the same thing for us I'm all for it