Message from @Beemann
Discord ID: 437437923881910293
the EU is a house of cards, and it has been since it's inception
It was essentially the third German attempt to annex Europe, and they are on the tipping point of it currently
trying to put Greece and Germany on the same currency was a hilariously poor decision that they were warned of well in advance
So if I have you correct Beemann you're from the UK
nope, Leaf
about an hour from the Freedom Border
Well what the hell can you guys say to me that would prove that the EU is not sturdy the thing you is not strong tell me why it's a sham
Brexit comes to mind
The fact that they were allowed to have a state secede proves that it's more legitimate than the United States democracy if someone can vote out there out in the United States you can't have that
because it's multiple disparate economies with a singular currency, something economists told them was retarded. Because it's an undemocratic system that removes national sovereignty. Because it's incapable of taking care of its member states
The absurd amounts of money its spending on absolutely nothing
Source: Look at the fucking European Union today
I think the white race needs a little bit of non democracy I'm fine with a little bit of fascism
Personally I think we're a bit retarded
Asking how I know the EU is a sham is like asking how I know the car wrapped around a tree got in an accident
how does putting retards in power help with the retard problem?
The fact that Slavs, Germanics, Saxxons, Norse, and Mediterranean Hellenists have been at near constant war for 3000 years
Simple we need leaders and we have none
so a retarded leader is better than no leader? I have a political system to sell you, comrade
Again no more Brothers Wars
whats your model for eliminating it?
Well it seems that a bunch of fucking liberal pussies have lead us to the multiracial toilets that we all live in today those toilets are the reasons we're having the conversation we're having today. Perhaps if we can get some retard some fucking idiot stand up and say no nationhood is about defending people not open borders perhaps will be secure and Amalgamated as a people
Here comes the " no u"
border control and multiracial/multiethnic countries are not mutually exclusive
the problem you have is with Marxists my dude
Again I don't see a problem with race mixing its cultures and ideology that are the problem
I need to take a big boy time out, I'm fucking wasted. I'll catch up in the chat tomorrow.
See ya
take care
Piss Christ death Archer which fucking major countries in the world are leaders besides the United States that have single cultures and are successful
define success
Japan is dying, China is an authoritarian hole
The Koreas have had guns pointed at each other for 70 years
And in America is it the tyranny of people that makes us strong or is it capitalism that creates that tyranny
That makes us strong
Because I assure you there is no free market
No dude it's people lacking moral convictions and have no balls to stand up for what they believe in