Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 501836767582879744

2018-10-16 12:17:05 UTC  


2018-10-16 12:17:29 UTC  

Confused the fuck out of people, mostly cause the KKK where I was born was actually called the KKK (but in Tagalog) and actually dressed the same as well lmfao

2018-10-16 12:18:22 UTC  

Everyone who accused me of being a white supremacist, I just called cultural appropriation on

2018-10-16 12:18:43 UTC  

“How dare you assume my nation’s independence movement is racist?!”

2018-10-16 12:19:13 UTC  

I love getting out of line as a minority

2018-10-16 12:19:44 UTC  

It’s so much fun

2018-10-16 12:20:19 UTC  

Problem is it costs a royal fuckton to be effective in person

2018-10-16 12:20:26 UTC  

In terms of time at least

2018-10-16 12:21:38 UTC  


2018-10-16 13:59:40 UTC  

@Deleted User um. What?

2018-10-16 17:36:58 UTC  

@ClashOfChampions you might be playing, but that's what you don't buy about white privilege? that it's inconsistency? i would go with it not existing myself.... :)

2018-10-16 18:31:14 UTC  

@Shadows well, if you lived in a legal caste system (like Jim crowe) then you’d have a case for it. However, that’s been illegal for over half a century now.

2018-10-16 18:43:35 UTC  

That's wasn't a white privilege thing tho, as it happens throughout the world and in all of history.
And the words for those are majority privilege, as well as there are things like minority privilege.

2018-10-16 18:45:03 UTC  

(which is what most sjw's are fighting for)

2018-10-16 18:46:26 UTC  

The white privilege argument comes from only knowing European History as opposed to world history. That, being paired with the recent timing of Jim Crowe and the convenience of it taking place in the country they live in and you have a recipe for annoying middle class white kids ready to talk down to everybody as if they know anything about anything

2018-10-16 18:47:17 UTC  

It's more convenient for these snots to learn 200 years of American history to ram through an agenda than understanding the culture of what humans do. The latter requires some form of thinking.

2018-10-16 18:52:51 UTC  

Indeed, but you are mistaken by one thing. These people (anyone pushing this nonsense), are in fact thinking. They just either fail to look at the whole picture (maybe even to protect there bias, or blissful ignorance), or weren't giving the tools to understand the faults in their reasoning.

2018-10-16 18:54:58 UTC  

What tools would you need? Google is at your finger tips, there are encyclopedias left over from failed sales from the door to door salesmen of the 90s, and if they have a name, there's an ebook at the ready to tell their story. Blissful ignorance is the only logical reason I can fathom of how someone can be so vocal about something so willfully wrong.

2018-10-16 19:04:00 UTC  

Google and the other things you add can provide you with knowledge, not wisdom.
Most humans need to be taught wisdom, or learn it from life experience (which a lot of these people don't have).
I want anyone to understand these things as they are still humans, and while i place blame on those when it is needed. Its not only their fault we are in this mess, are systems (be it schools,messed up laws leading higher rates of kids with only mothers, the internet letting our youngest humans making all there mistakes public), are producing failing humans who are lacking the tools to gain wisdom.

2018-10-16 19:10:25 UTC  

It looks like you're conflating two different issues which is why we are ultimately disagreeing but fundamentally agreeing. Wisdom starts from home and the community. Our educational systems aren't providing that. We agree on that and we also agree that the institutions are in most part to blame for faulty or half-assed information being pumped into people's brains. Here's where we disagree. The amount of personal responsibility cannot be understated and these people who take to the streets and think (whether they are wise or not) dragging old people out of cars and beating them is justified or even that they can feign any lack of knowledge to such an atrocity being wrong cannot be defended as simply a lack of wisdom. Willful ignorance, by definition, means that they are allowing themselves to be shackled to the bonds of stupidity. They don't get off the hook because they had a crappy church or a lazy parent even if we do agree that poor home raising holds the majority of the blame.

2018-10-16 19:20:09 UTC  

Yes, like i said we are mostly agreeing :)
And i did state i place blame on those who it is needed, just because someone didn't know a bad outcome would happen. Doesn't mean it wasn't their fault the bad outcome happened. But it also true, that they weren't taught well enough to reason out what bad outcomes their actions could/are leading to. These kids/adults are being taught, at home (less likely but does happen), at schools/colleges and online, that they are either oppressed or fighting for the oppressed. And no one has taught them/is showing them differently (outside of when they are only ready to argue/fight their belief, which is a terrible time to teach anyone heh)

2018-10-16 19:26:02 UTC  

Cool. We wrote essays about how much we agree. 😃

2018-10-16 19:26:44 UTC  

If you see my youtube comments, these weren't essays heh

2018-10-16 19:27:18 UTC  

Ah I didn't see those. I was mostly talking about our exchange. It's all good

2018-10-16 19:27:37 UTC  


2018-10-16 21:12:58 UTC  
2018-10-16 21:44:06 UTC  

@Deleted User kkk costume? How is it relevant to what happened in the Philippines?

2018-10-16 21:44:46 UTC  

Funniest News of the week:

Elizabeth warren is less native american than I am German: 4-5%

(I'm middle eastern and greek, and dark skinned)


2018-10-16 22:16:19 UTC  

@Deleted User I don’t mean that in a rude way. Is there something historically significant in the Philippines with a similar costume?

2018-10-16 23:07:04 UTC  

@Tesh_Hayayi Funniest News of the week:

Elizabeth warren is less native american than I am mexican. 12.5%

I'm white as a sheet, hate mexican food, except shitty taco bell, can't stand in the sun for more than 5 minutes before hissing and turning into a bat, and i have red hair

Go figure

2018-10-16 23:08:01 UTC  

though if we're being fair, i'm probably closer to about 6.25% since i get most of my genes from my mother's side

2018-10-16 23:17:18 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat the revolutionary independence movement against the Spanish was also called KKK and dressed the same

2018-10-16 23:18:19 UTC  

And obviously it is much less famous, making it a perfect troll weapon

2018-10-16 23:33:15 UTC  

I'm into it

2018-10-16 23:37:33 UTC  

@Deleted User interesting. They dressed similarly, but not quite the same. It can be used as a trolling weapon though.

2018-10-17 00:50:41 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat the relevant part is the hood, which makes it a million times more hilarious

2018-10-17 01:15:09 UTC  

@Deleted User Yeah. They have hoods, but I didn’t see a white one. There was a green one though. Kek

2018-10-17 01:18:46 UTC  

YouTube is down, I bet a purge is happening

2018-10-17 01:23:08 UTC  

I’m on YouTube now. No issues for me.

2018-10-17 01:23:50 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat how long have you been on it?