Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 505150727203586059

2018-10-25 21:12:55 UTC  


2018-10-25 21:23:11 UTC  


2018-10-25 21:54:51 UTC  

Out to see Steven Crowder in Ann Arbor MI

2018-10-25 21:55:07 UTC  

I'll keep you posted on any crazies

2018-10-25 21:55:07 UTC  

Sounds awesome

2018-10-25 22:21:43 UTC  

i could head over to Ann Arbor *but still annoyed at Crowder*.

2018-10-25 22:22:53 UTC  

anyone have a unbiased link for the new trump trans stuff? I'm in other chats and people are crying about it heh

2018-10-25 22:23:19 UTC  

Ha! Unbiased. You're funny

2018-10-25 22:25:41 UTC  

I try....

2018-10-25 22:26:42 UTC  

just woke up a bit ago, haven't looked into it, people are saying he is taking away trans rights.

2018-10-25 22:28:26 UTC  

Yeah, yeah. Taking away trans rights, denying their existence, George Takei Hyberbole. Naturally, it's nothing like that

2018-10-25 22:29:53 UTC  

Trump just reaffirmed that biological men are biological men and biological women are biological women

2018-10-25 22:33:56 UTC  

Like, I'm trans and it's a struggle listening to everyone whine about it

2018-10-25 22:35:06 UTC  

That's good, when i go make fun of trans people (the ones who want to make you agree with them), i endeavor to be accurate, so i will have to see what he really said.

2018-10-25 22:37:44 UTC  

@SteelandSouls Oh and i will get back to your comments about feminism, i was just waiting to see if anyone else could steel man it and dealing with many other topics with people right now (also playing games or listening to videos heh).

2018-10-25 22:38:31 UTC  

lol That's fine. I thought you forgot about it and I just left it alone. It's good though. Get to it when you do

2018-10-25 22:43:38 UTC  

Wow, just reading a CNN piece, that says gender and sex are wholly different things geez.

2018-10-25 22:46:32 UTC  

That is the most straight forward thing I can find

2018-10-25 22:46:41 UTC  

I have two main issues with it

2018-10-25 22:48:38 UTC  

One, it gives the Fed its own ruling on sex, which I see as a state issue with state IDs. I would prefer any federal ID to defer to the state. It also says whatever was on the original birth certificate, which a state has the option to update it if it wants, and I don't like the Fed going "Nope"

2018-10-25 22:50:43 UTC  

Two, I don't want it messing with full transitioned people. When I have to start getting mammograms in 15 years, since I have natural breasts and estrogen which give me just as much risk, I rather not have to pay out of pocket for being a male.

2018-10-25 22:57:56 UTC  

Mind you, there are lots of dumb ass college girls who pretend to be "demi boys" or some shit like that. Those people are just retards and not trans. Not all of us are crazy; I just want to live my life. Once the government starts trying to legislate where I piss or who pays for my mammogram, then I have to get involved. We are such a super super super small minority; there's only like 0.003% of us in the US, or 1 million ish. Hell, I've never met another tranny in real life before. Just ignore us

2018-10-25 23:00:14 UTC  

Let the states decide or you set the precedent that once we have a majority leftist government, they start labelling you and your kids are made up genders for the dumbest of reasons.

2018-10-25 23:12:12 UTC  

@ryanp093 Have a good time. I went to the SMU show, and it was great.

2018-10-25 23:13:18 UTC  

@Deleted User In real life I've met three, though they were all men at the time, and it was at college, what a shock, right?

2018-10-25 23:19:53 UTC  

Funny thing is that the bathroom thing stirred up because for some reason, people who didn't want to put in the effort of transitioning wanted the world to bend to their whim. The unspoken rule in place was "I don't care as long as you pass." If you didn't pass, you were a peeping pervert. Out of sight, out of mind.

2018-10-25 23:21:24 UTC  

I go back and forth about the Federal ID issue though. For starters, it's a Federal ID. It's in the name. Second issue is that you start having issues with licensing between states. If you come from California which recognizes 4 genders, then move to Texas which only recognizes 2, then we're going to have a big stink and get the Fed dragged in anyways

2018-10-25 23:25:29 UTC  

I don't really associate with any of them anymore, two of them I wasn't that close to in the first place, and the other went super nuts about Trump.

2018-10-25 23:26:02 UTC  

Did they actually transition?

2018-10-25 23:26:42 UTC  

It's kind of irritating, really. I'll get facebook messages every now and then saying stuff like 'I miss you,' and then on their facebook feed it will say 'if you voted for Trump, you are a monster.'

2018-10-25 23:26:49 UTC  

As far as I know yes.

2018-10-25 23:27:08 UTC  

Their certainly did the hair growing thing, and look more feminine.

2018-10-25 23:27:14 UTC  

How the heck did you know three

2018-10-25 23:27:22 UTC  


2018-10-25 23:27:27 UTC  

That'll do it

2018-10-25 23:27:47 UTC  

I mean, through all of college and grad school I never met one

2018-10-25 23:28:18 UTC  

And I got two masters so I freaking was there forever >_>

2018-10-25 23:28:33 UTC  

It would mostly depend on where you're at. You're more likely to find some closer to coastal cities than fly-over country

2018-10-25 23:29:17 UTC  

It's fucking weird, one of them actually talked about it, and intended to do it while we had classes together, and then the other two were apparently normal guys for the stretch that I knew, or knew of them, and then one day they just made a post on facebook saying 'I'm trans' and there it was.

2018-10-25 23:29:54 UTC  

And I've come to realize what my problem is, the way in which I am a horrible transphobe, I assume.